Zooz ZSE43 Driver request

Not really understanding the distinction between Command Class and Data Value.

Does that mean the device (Zooz ZSE43) will not accept a direct change to the Command Class, and you must do it via the Data Value (zwWakeupInterval)?

The data value is not used at all. Most drivers set it to be polite or perhaps for their own internal use, but it is not used at the platform level or standardized (so not all drivers may do this), AFAIK. It is possible to actually have a different wakeup interval than what it may say here.

Command classes are, more or less, groups of related Z-Wave commands. You don't really need to know this to try the Basic Z-Wave Tool (which mostly works with the Configuration command class, setting or getting configuration parameter values) or my modification suggestions above (which allow working with the Wakeup command class--but again, not details you need to know to use it).

With User Developed Drivers, the code is always available on the web or Github. But where do I get the Hubitat basic Driver code so that I can attempt to add to it to add wakeup interval?

This not a built-in driver. The source code is available linked to in the post @hydro311 wrote above.

Sorry, I am looking for the Zooz ZSE43 Driver Code, not the Basic Z-Wave Tool code. Or, are you saying that the code you provided, above, should be added to the Basic Z-Wave Tool code?

I highly doubt hubitat will modify the in-box driver to make wakeup configurable - they tend to try and keep all their devices similar in functonality, and they didn't add this feature for anything else.

Could use this one chad made a long time ago, and modify it to your heart's content.

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Yes, the idea was to add this to the Basic Z-Wave Tool driver, as I mentioned; it could then be used for any Z-Wave device with this added functionality.

The built-in ZSE43 driver is not accessible, so to do otherwise, you'd have to start with something else, like the above.

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@dean contacted me and asked for a driver with the wakeup setting. I already had a partially complete driver but no device to test it with. Anyone with a ZSE43 can test this out if you want and let me know how it works.

I saw that another user driver is out there using the acceleration attribute due to app compatibility, so if this works I was thinking about adding a toggle so you can select if it will report as shock or acceleration.

You just set the setting in hours, save, then you will need to wake up the device so it can be set. If you enable debug logging you will see a confirmation when it is set, also the value in the data at the bottom will update (in seconds).

Z-Wave spec says this can be set up to around 4600 hours (in seconds), but I tested on another Zooz device and it maxed out at 24 hours so I made that the max. I chose to make the setting in hours so its easier to figure out, not sure when anyone would need 1s granularity on this?


Test Link removed, driver added to HPM package:
-- [DRIVER] Zooz Sensors Advanced (ZSE11, ZSE18, ZSE40, ZSE41, ZSE42, ZSE43, ZSE44)


After configuring this driver and sending a wakeup I'm still showing 1 pending change, tried several times. My device is on 1.2 firmware.

Edit: Tried the driver with a second ZSE43, same results (1 pending change)

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I see in the changelog they removed Param 2 in firmware 1.4 which is the one it is having issues with, are you sure you are only on 1.2, it should actually be working on that FW. Either way, I will just remove param #2 from the settings and post a new version when I get a chance. The pending change wont hurt anything really, rest should still function.

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According to the zooz firmware page, 1.2 is the latest?

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Yeap, somehow I was on the ZSE42 changelog, the ZSE43 does not say anything about removing param 2 but they must have removed it in 1.2 as part of "optimized battery reporting"


Pretty sure they removed it.

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My ZSE43 is running firmware 1.10. I have just tried the Driver, above.

  1. Seems to be working on my device. Pending Refresh and SyncStatus both report properly. Though I don't know if it has really adjusted the Wakeup Interval.
  2. The Shock Sensitivity now provides for only High and Low values. With the HE Driver it provided for High, Medium, and Low.
  3. The Wakeup Interval will only accept a maximum value of 24 hours. Really wanting to set it to something like 120 hours.
  4. I really appreciate the fuller description of every parameter.

You could try, but I doubt it will work.

Last time I tested this on a zooz device (admittedly a long time ago) it did ~24h max. Any setting above that still did ~24h. I think it is a "quirk" of their firmware...

I just posted an updated version at the same link. @dean @halfrican.ak

  1. You can check the last reported wakeup value in the "data" at the bottom of the device page listed as zwWakeupInterval
  2. Fixed, I had both Medium and Low mapped to the same value on accident.
  3. I explained this above. If you want to edit the code it is around line 92, you can adjust the range higher but the device probably will not take anything greater than 24hrs.

This is also now fixed.


Driver seems to be working perfectly for me now, thanks

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Should there be an option for Reporting of "None"?

Zooz Support confirmed to me that the ZSE43 has an allowable wakeup interval of 600 to 86400 seconds.

Note/Rant: I am constantly surprised by the engineering decisions made by Zooz. They have some really innovative products, but they are usually hampered by really dumb design decisions. In the case of the ZSE43, the battery is way too small, and there is no reason to limit the wakup interval to 24 hours, nor make it so difficult to change.

Not sure what you are asking exactly? What reporting?

It is not difficult to change, it is easily changed using the standard zwave commands. It was only difficult because drivers typically do not implement a setting for this.