Zooz ZEN51 - 3 Way Wiring with Power Source at Light Fixture

Has anyone use a Zooz ZEN51 in a 3 way situation when the the power source is at the light fixture? In this situation there is no neutral at either switch box. I believe the ZEN51 will work, but I'm wondering how the wiring would look like at the light fixture box.

The diagram of what I'm talking about is like this:

I have just installed a few zen51's at the home of someone who didn't want to see anything except for his original light switches. In those cases, there was a neutral in each of those boxes. However, I just looked it up and it says (on the Zooz website):

However, in the written instructions it states:
"3. Connect the N white pigtail to the bundle on neutral wires."
So, these points appear to be contradictory.
I am asking a representative of Zooz to clarify if a Neutral hookup is required:
Calling: @agnes.zooz
Is there a wiring diagram available for this device, when it is hooked up in the fixture?

Yes I have, it works great. The very original hardware had issues with it but they fixed it pretty quick. I think the original ones have FW 1.10 stamped on the back, anything newer than that should work. It was a hardware problem so just updating the firmware did not fix it.

I have a post somewhere with some pictures but I cannot find it at the moment.
You basically follow this first diagram except the ZEN51 goes in the fixture box: 3-Way Wiring Diagrams for the ZEN51 Dry Contact Relay - Zooz Support Center

Just pretend the light is in Switch Box #1, and the switch is in its own switch box. The wiring would be the same either way if yours is wired up like the diagram you posted. I think possibly mine was a little different but I got it to work.

The colors in your image match up with the Zooz diagram as well.
The Red/White pairs are the 3-way travelers, should not need to touch those.
One of the black switch feeds will connect to the S1 on the ZEN51.
The other will connect to the Hot Feed along with L / IN on the ZEN51
Then the OUT on the ZEN51 is connected to the Hot (black) for the fixture.

If you can find the post; that would be great. Assuming I get it all wired up, I'm curious how this works from a software standpoint. Seems that all is required for a 3 way switch is to set Parameter 7 to "3".

If I remember correctly my pictures were not great. I did find something but it was before I added the ZEN51. Would actually be better if you just want to post some pics of your wiring I could mark it up for you. Just need to identify what wires are for the hot feed for me.

Here are my settings I have on mine (using my published community driver). My param 7 is set to 0. If option 3 is the impulse control that is only needed in special wiring where you only have one traveler.

thanks for the help... i'm going to dig into the wiring this weekend. I'll provide pictures / sketches.

Yes, you need a neutral connected to the device but because you can connect it at the light fixture (where neutral is always available), you can use the ZEN51 relay even if you don't have neutral available at the switch box. It would just need to be installed at the fixture rather than behind the switch. I hope that clarifies it but feel free to reach out to our support with any additional questions!


sorry for crude markup, but i'm guessing just like this?

Yes that looks correct.

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