Zooz Zen24 dimmer switches - failed S2 bootstrapping

I just installed two new switches. This is happening every time I try to join. They end up finally joining with "none" security and then the dreaded "warn Z-Wave Network responded with Busy message" begins on repeat, locking up the rest of the network.

I've had significant issues with Inclusion on this C7 in the past. I honestly don't know why some days it seems to work OK and sometimes it fails miserably. I don't think it is the Zooz switches per se, because they are excellent another controller. I've had significant issues with this C7 hub ever since I first plugged it in, but it's troubles are mostly with Zooz switches. I think they both have some blame...

I've emailed Zooz support... Anyone have any ideas other than rinse/repeat the fix ghost/exclude/try again with fingers crossed approach? This is just such a terrible experience and I honestly would have switched hubs a long time ago if there were any other privacy-minded alternatives.


So I've installed a bunch of V3s and several V4s both Zen23's & Zen24's.

What versions are your dimmers? V4?
What HE firmware are you on?
Have you tried to pair them with "no security" meaning uncheck all the boxes?

Also there is a firmware update available I'm not sure it helps but it's something you could try.

Do you have a zwave stick? I've noticed that the zooz switches need have a much better hub signal when joining than operating. It appears they may not be using repeaters when joining.

I had luck with a stubborn one by setting up my zwave stick as a secondary controller with the PC in the same room as the switch. I then did the join from the stick. Once joined and the sick removed from the mesh the switch has been operating normally.

@erktrek mine are apparently v3 hardware. HE is at
It doesn't seem to matter what boxes I check - it still "fails" s2 bootstrapping and gets hung up.

@nicholb I do have a Zooz stick that I mostly use to spam exclude commands when needed, but frankly I'd rather have the device work with the Hubitat like it's supposed to work. I wouldn't mind to do some debugging or whatever, but I don't want to have to go through the trouble of setting up a secondary controller just to add a few switches. Maybe if I get desperate enough or Hubitat/Zooz support have no answers.

Are either of you on the C7? I'm really starting to regret buying this thing. Yes, it technically works but its super frustrating, finicky, and unpredictable.

Yes I am running the C-7 in 2 different locations. I have installed a lot of V3's - over 60+ combined Zen23s and Zen24's. While it has taken some effort things are working pretty well now. I still have a few errant switches I will likely need to exclude/include again. I've paired all the switches and dimmers with no security (no boxes checked).

Edit: Some I've updated the firmware to the latest V4.01 - but am not sure that really helped.

Just keep it in mind. It is a very easy process if you already have a stick. Add stick, add switch, remove stick. Another thing I've see posted is to use a long ethernet cable to move the hub closer to the switch for adding.

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You cannot pair S2 devices with S2 security using a secondary controller - something about the credentials not being passed dunno.

I've heard that you CAN pair an S2 device with no security as such but I've never been successful at doing it that way - I tried once with a Zooz switch and had trouble but that could have been my fault.

I was able to pair all my Zen23/24's the "normal" way so @pro75357 should be able to as well provided they have a strong mesh. Note: I certainly did have issues similar to @pro75357's though but was able to persevere through a random combination of refreshes/reboots (poweroff)/repairs. Wish I could be more specific about what I did.

I don't care about having security on light switches so I've paired all mine as "none" anyway. Yes pairing a S2 switch as none through a secondary controller works.

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Yeah me too - everything paired with no security except devices that may need it. Thanks for the confirmation that you can pair S2 devices with no security via a secondary controller!

I think Bryan C also told me that in a much earlier thread but I had forgotten..

Thanks for the replies. I do now have these devices connected without security (because s2 bootstrapping failed and they finally quit with the busy messages). I don't think they are really connected properly, however, because they don't "see" any neighbors (although one of them is actually routing through a neighbor...) and they definitely could have a better "path" through the mesh.

Edit - I just looked up what #26 was - That's a S0 device on the other side of the house. No way it has a 40 dB signal. Why on earth would it route through there? 2E should just route through 2D because they are very close together and it's a perfect route... Both are relatively close to the hub.

Did you my recent thread? There is some good info provided by @Tony.

Thanks. I mean I could understand if the routing really didn't matter... And yeah I don't care how they route, but I still think something is just wrong with these two switches:

response times of 4-5 seconds, dozens of route changes. Included a few other devices to show they are (mostly) working fine. They are all in the same general area. That last switch (Garage patio) is MUCH further away than everything else and it works like a charm.

As an update, I just factory reset, excluded, and re-added both switches (no security) and they seem to be working fine now.

Gremlins is all I can figure. One of the most frustrating systems I've ever worked with, if only because it is SO unpredictable and does occasionally work right.

I'm glad you sorted your issue out! I have 2 such devices at my clients and will likely have to exclude include again..

From the responses in that other thread it would appear that if a device gets a semi-bad route it might never go away unless you exclude/include like you did..

Also it seems that devices physically being close to each don't really mean much - it's what appears to be "good" routes from the controller at the time of pairing and adjustments occasionally due to magic or panicking and flooding the mesh with requests.

Sigh I wish I understood this a little better.

I'm starting to believe that things can be paired not "properly" although they still pass inclusion and kind of work. I think routing is a big part of the issue - they choose terrible routes and eventually cause issues with other devices routing through them. A hint this occurring is that they show NO neighbors, even if they are routing through a neighbor.

I've had the best luck lately excluding repeatedly until the device is very responsive (unknown device excluded) and then immediately try inclusion. If it includes within a few seconds it seems to pair "properly" and works well from then on. If it includes slowly (often after the 60-second time-out) or "fails S2 bootstrapping" or whatever, it most likely will NOT work well, so I just go ahead and exclude and try again.

I have mostly Zooz devices and I think these problems are due to some kind of Zooz/Hubitat C7 compatibility issue. I have a couple of Bali-style blinds that work like a peach...

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Yes I would agree - it's like a partial pairing. I've had devices fail a pairing and then pair again with no security popup - but then be non-functional. Since I am working mainly with Zooz devices for a current project it's hard to say that it is specifically Zooz related..

My most recent quirkiness was having some devices pop up in the inclusion process that were already included and working.

edit: resetting seems like always a good idea before inclusion.

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