Zooz Zen17 Garage Door Relay & Siren -- How to only trigger siren when pressed on Sharptools Dashboard or Hubitat Dashboard?

Hi All,

I have 3 Zoom Zen17 relays and I have then configured to open and close the garage door with tilt sensors to tell me when they are open/closed. I also have 2 Dome Z-wave sirens to notify when the garages are opening/closing for safety reasons.

However, I would like to have the siren only go off when a family member is using the Sharptools Dashboard Tile to open or close the garage door so that anyone in the garage areas can be alerted to take precautions if necessary. However, I do not want the siren to go off when the wall switch for the garage or a garage remote in the car is used to open the garage because that sounds like it would get really annoying every morning or evening to have an alarm blaring off when I am physically there and can step in if something was going to happen.

Anyways I am reaching out for help as I am fairly new to this automation fun! I hope you all can help and sincerely appreciate your assistance!

Stay well!

Are you using an app to combine the relays and sensors into a virtual garage door? Or what do you have setup currently? The Zooz garage door app has a feature to add a delay from when you hit open to when it actually opens. You could use this combined with a rule that triggers the siren only when you activate it from Hubitat.

EDIT: So I am looking at my setup and thinking how this would work. This may depend on how you have the external buttons wired to the door/zen17. On mine the wall button is connected in parallel with a ZEN16. So to trigger a siren I think if I looked for door: opening AND contact: closed, or door: closing and contact: open, that should be to two cases where the door was triggered from the hub. If the door was triggered directly, the hub would not know it is moving until the contact sensor has already changed, so it would not be possible for it to be in those states I listed above.

Check out this post, someone else asked the same questions and this was my solution

When you say contact sensor are you referring to a tilt sensor or would I need a contact sensor in conjunction with a tilt sensor to accomplish this?

Doesn't matter either will work.

Tilt sensors actually report the same as contact sensors, they are either open or closed. So one or the other would work. you don't need both. When I say "contact: open" in my thoughts above, that is the state reported in the virtual garage door device whether its a tilt sensor or a contact sensor.

@jtp10181 I am using the Zooz garage driver and child app -- the code that they recommend pasting into Hubitat to get the relay to work for garage doors. I am a little bit confused on the string of code used in rule machine as I am having a hard time figuring out what to input specifically. As said I am fairly new to the automation scene and not entirely familiar with everything so I am a little slow as I am still in the learning process. @terminal3 commented and I can see how this option would work but I need a little bit of a beginners walkthrough on how to get this setup on my end since Im kind of naive haha :joy: ! Thank you guys so much as well!

The example linked above would work, I was going to maybe do it a little different. I started mocking it up but then realized there is a bug in RM right now so it does not show properly for me to screenshot it. So I will check back when that is fixed, supposed to be very soon.

Otherwise I would suggest just going into RM and try to build something similar to terminal3 linked to above. Its all point and click and if you screw it up too bad you can just trash the rule and start over. Just make a new rule and start clicking, it sort of walks you through building it.

There is also this:

I mocked this up and tested it, seems to work. You would replace the "LOG" actions with whatever you want to do when the door is opening or closing. This setup allows you to have different actions for both. By making it a little more complex you could combine it if you want the same action for both cases.
