Zooz Zen16 Multirelay to New Garage Opener

I finally pulled the plug and installing this in parallel was WAY easier than I thought. Took me 30min between meetings.

What I did;

  1. Unscrewed my manual Garage button as it as a light inside, and i wanted to understand which cable was Red v.s. White. It's labeled on the circuit that powers the button LED, but they also got the cables correct (see red stripe). Yay. I als took advantage to short the two wires to make sure that would open and close the door.

  2. I used an old 5V power cable I no longer need and cut it, spliced it on both sides, then put the "white" end into the 2nd R1 and the "red" end into the first "R1" per the Zooz parallel instructions (2nd diagram on the page).

  3. Connected the "red" cable from the Zooz to the same Red cable coming from my door switch from #1 above, then inserted both back into the first slot in the Chamberlain where the original was.
    Did the same thing for the "White".

  1. Turned on all the power and confirmed that my manual garage door button still lights up and functions, then tried the Zoom multirelay and magic!

Final result.

My biggest regret is I waited so long to do this.

For those unaware, the Zooz Zen16 Multirelay comes with a USB to USBC cable, so the only thing I provided was the USB wall adaptor for 5v 1A like this one.

Thanks to everyone in this thread who gave me the confidence.