Zooz Zen 74 Not responding

I have a Zooz ZEN 74 dimmer (700 chip) that stopped responding this morning. The lights are off, the LED on the switch is on, but the device page and dashboard show it is on at 12%. I tried cutting the power at the box, pulling the air gap for 30 seconds, and reboot the hub. Nothing seemed to work (But I was getting late to leave so I couldn't deep dive it too much). Any idea how to kick start it? any suggestions are appreciated.

Perhaps unrelated, but this sounds eerily like an issue I'm having with a new 800 Zen15 out in my garage...

After a period of time (sometimes days, sometimes weeks), it'll just lock up in the "On" position - unresponsive to physical or digital input. I thought the 1st one may be a dud, so I replaced it with a new one -- but same behavior persists.

Nothing short of an excude/re-include will bring it back -- fortunately, I don't have many rules etc tied to that device, so going nuclear isn't too painful. But still not fun.

It's not a mesh issue -- I have a Zen16 ~18" away and a ZAC38 nearby -- both of those are performing fine. And when it's working, the ZW data #s on the 15 look great - no signs of struggle.

I have 2 other 800 Z15's elsewhere that are working perfectly -- I just have issues with that one... position? node? Not sure what's causing it.

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Yes, that does sound very similar. This dimmer has only been in for about 2 months. as worked fine up to this point. And yep, I also don't actually have this one involved in many rules, I think one other that having the dimmer itself set to turn off after 2 hours.

I don't know what would be causing it either. Since i installed these switches and dimmers (7 total) everything has been rock solid, most everything has been a direct connect on a C8.
Did you do a factory reset also? or just exclude/include. Maybe I can use this as an opportunity to test smart start gain. This was one of the devices a few months ago I COULDN'T pair with Smart start and had to do it the normal way.

Is it installed in a manor that is supported in their switch primer. Can you control it from the switch itself?

I had a zen 74 that just died after months of working. In the end it was attributed to a unsupported setup it was installed into. Zooz atleast stands by there stuff as they replaced my switch after some back and forth for troubleshooting.

This is going to sound really bad, but I don't 100% know for sure. I had an electrician install it. I believe he did though, I gave him all their diagrams, and I believe he was using them to wire everything in.

That they do, In this case though I ordered the switch at the end of 2021 and didn't install it until recently, so I don't know if they would still back it or not. The switch has been updated to an 800LR model, but that is currently out of stock, and unfortunately, I need the toggles, not paddles.

When i am talking about the primer it isn't referencing the wire diagrams. The primer on there site talks about what switch to use in what condition. This can be about the type of load or what the load is doing after the switch. It can also relate to what the switch is doing, for example being a virtual switch. If i recall the toggle switches are a bit more restictive then the others.

In my case it was because the switch was attached to a outlet that had a smart bulb. I had the switch turn off zwave control and in smart bulb mode. It was also set to report on off virtually and dimming level control but not change it. After discussing with their support what was determined to be the issue was something to do with the switch and dimming and how the device used it. It eventually burned out the unit.

They come with a 5 year warrenty so you are still under warrenty.

I believe the below link is the current primer.


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I had just been doing an include/exclude each time (no fact reset). Like my other 30 (of 31) ZW devices, it's been paired S2 via manual input (not SmartStart).

Yesterday, I decided to factory reset and then try something new with that device (beta feature), so I'm curious to see if that stabilizes it. It's a head-scratcher though -- I can't find the smoking gun causing the freeze-up.

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just spit balling here. Last night we had a pretty gnarly band of storms move through. The house has a full house surge suppressor and is on a tesla power wall. There were a few outages with less than graceful transitions. Nothing that caused an uncontrolled hub shut down, but somethings (not on HA) were shut off. Could something like that have caused the dimmer to start acting up?