I’ve been meaning to get around to solving this problem, but haven’t had the time for months.
We have bedroom fan that we installed in our kids bedroom, wired into to a single gang box with with a Zooz Zen 73 S2.
Zooz switch is in smart bulb mode with physical control disabled (this just disables the relay used for physical power on/off) so that the fan constantly has power to operate and so we can use smart bulbs. The smart bulbs can be turned on/off by toggling the Zooz switch by using Groups & Scenes to group the bulbs and Basic Rules for On/Off operation.
With basic rules set we can simply use the Zooz switch to turn the smart bulbs group on/off. Where we run into issues is when we would want to use Alexa to turn off the group of smart bulbs instead of toggling the Zooz switch.
For example if the light group was turned on by the toggling the Zooz switch up thus triggering the Basic Rule for On and then Alexa was used to turn off the light group off. The next time you attempt to use the Zooz switch to turn the light group back on, you have to toggle the switch down and then up to turn the lights on.
I almost feel I am missing something so very simple, but just cannot figure this thing out.