Zooz slows down z wave

Hello; I added 4 Zooz brand switches on my Z Wave network. The response time of all of my connected devices has been extremely slow since then. I also notice that this created a lot of failed nodes. Do you have a suggestion? A solution? Zwave repair has no effect. Should I remove these switches? Thank you and good day.

It would be good to post a screenshot of your zwave page.

If a number of ghost/failed devices were created in the process of pairing your new devices, that is likely the issue - and not the zooz devices at all. If there are ghost/failed devices that shouldn't be there, those need to be removed 1st before your mesh will function correctly. Removing the new zooz devices, but leaving the failed nodes/ghost devices will not fix your issue.

There are a number of guides on here on how to remove failed/ghost devices. Sometimes it can be done with just the hub, sometimes it takes buying an additional zwave usb stick and using other software on your PC to remove them.

Obviously the 1st step would be to try and remove any failed/ghost nodes that shouldn't be there using the remove button in the zwave details page.

If you can't get the remove button to show up, it is likely because the new zooz devices you were trying to pair are responding to the "pings", thus the hub thinks that the erroneous devices are still there.

If that's the case, report back and people can point you to one of the ghost/failed device removal threads (note, that is often the situation that requires the additional usb stick + pc software to resolve).


In addition to the good tips @JasonJoel shared, also check if the new switches have been included with S2 security. Check this post why that might be an issue:


One more possibility is the frequency of the power reporting that the device is doing. I installed 2 or 3 Zooz Zen25 Double Plugs at once and kept the power reporting at default and it affected my Zwave. Changing to maximum interval helped.


I find that Z-wave devices that do not have good routes back to the hub can be really slow. Run the Z-wave repair and move around devices if you can. You can also get a Z-wave repeater between the hub and the new Zooz device.

You might want to consider Zigbee motions in the future if you can continue to have issues.

Consider moving the hub (temporarily) very close to the sensor and see if it speeds up. If so then this may be a Z-wave network issue (refer to my post above).

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More info on removing Z-Wave ghosts if that turns out to be your problem...


Thanks for your help, I'll try to see if there are any ghosts

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Hello; here are the details of the z wave network

I had a quick look at your screenshots and it looks like you have multiple ghosts. You should remove all the nodes that have a “Discover” button.


As @Sebastien notes, those ghosts need to go! :slight_smile:

Make sure the device that represents the ghost you're trying to remove has no power. If it's a light switch, you may have to trip a breaker. The ghost usually represents a failed inclusion of a device added successfully right after or soon after the ghost.

So this ghost:

Is probably one of the mutilevel switches below, 47, 48, or 50.

Make sure power is off to all three (faster) and then try hitting the Refresh button until you see a Remove button appear. Then try the Remove button. It may take several tries of both the Refresh and Remove options.

If that doesn't work you may need to get a UZB stick to remove the ghosts...


I do think Hubitat should work on the presentation of the Z-wave interface. Something that easily and clearly states paths and points out ghost processes clearly.

With Simplicity and the USB Zwave stick, and your precious advice, I managed to remove almost all of the ghost failed nodes. There are 3 ghost that I couldn't remove. I will wait a few days for the network to redefine itself and I will try it again. Speed improved by at least 80%. I therefore consider your diagnosis to be correct. I would add that it is not easy to make these changes I was afraid to delete something irreversible. I add the image of the 3 ghost not remove. The idea of a simpler interface is great! Thanks again.

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Try removing power from the subsequently-included devices whose original inclusion caused the ghost nodes. The hub won’t believe the ghost is a failed node if it still responds to pings, and the ping response is coming from the subsequent successfully-included device. Then hit Refresh a few times, see if the node becomes marked as failed, at which point it should be able to be removed.


Good evening! All ghosts are removed thanks to your precious advice! My network is now functioning perfectly.
It is all good! Looking forward to reading you.