Zooz Power Switch and Washer Done Notifications

I have a Zooz Power Switch (with offset plug) and I was looking for ideas of how to build a Rules Machine rule to tell me when the washer had competed. Has anyone written something that is willing to share how they accomplished it?

Everyone has been so great in helping me move to HE and I appreace any suggestions or ideas.

If you want a custom app then Message Central will do this for you.



Thanks for the great suggestion... I will play with it and see what I can do.

Thanks for this suggestion... It is appreciated.

okay...I gave it some more thought and posted a single rule for both the washer and the dryer. I also put in some info as to how I came about the logic for the rules.

Another solution to this is actually pretty simple using a global variable and two separate rules.

I have mine setup for the first rule to set a global variable to 1 if power use exceeds a preset threshold.

Then I use this triggered rule to test it and reset the variable to 0 when it fires, eliminating the possibility of randomly firing multiple times as it was without the variable test. (I know wash-timer doesn't make the most sense for the variable name however and please pardon the notification content. :grin:)

I think you and I are doing the same thing. If I get this, you are using a GV to act as a state indicator (on vs off) and then this rule resets it when the power drops off. The issue I ran into is that my washer will drop power to 0 as it cycles between wash, rinse and spin. That's why I put the "Delay by 2 minutes Cancel" in. My dryer rule didn't need it. I just kept it in for consistency.

Exactly. I use 7 Watts because mine never drops below that during the cycle, though I could probably just use 0 since that is what my outlet reports with it completely off.