Zooz Multisiren or Aotec Siren 6?

Awesome...just ordered two Zooz.

Thanks Bryan.

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Hey @bcopeland,

I received and installed both units today. I tried to activate the strobe only using the device button but the siren went off as well. Not sure if they are separated or if it’s a driver issue (built-in). Do you have the same response and do you think you are still going to whip up that driver for this unit?

I noticed that the current driver settings refer to the objects "Beep Sound and Chime Sound" but when you program Actions int RM you select "Sound Tone or Sound Chime". I suspect you could make that consistent.


The Alarm capability requires commands siren, strobe, and both, but the Zooz Multisiren doesn't support controlling the siren and strobe independently so a new driver can't help with that.

The built-in handler supports all of the device's features except displaying the sound names that are stored on the device.

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Thanks for the info! I would imagine just entering the Number to Sound Name/Description in Notes would suffice unless it could be stored in the driver somehow by manually typing it in. I would hate to have to reference the USB Audio Transfer App or create a spreadsheet. That said, I don't think I will be using too many .WAV files. Also, I did see someone reference that the way to get the strobe only would to be to just use a blank audio file which I think will work just fine. Not sure the strobe would get anyone's attention during the day as it isn't very bright, is an innocuous blue and isn't forward facing on the unit but it could at night I suppose.

When you connect the device to a computer you can see and change the file names, but I think it's limited to something like 6 or 8 characters.

That list could be retrieved from the device and displayed as the soundEffects list which would allow you to play the sound by that name or the corresponding number.

That's the only missing feature in the built-in driver, but I've never seen anyone mention it before so I still consider the built-in driver fully functional.

I don't remember the LED flashing while playing chimes, but it's been a while so I could be wrong.

If the LED doesn't flash when the chimes play then there's no way to just use the strobe because the siren functionality is separate and you can't change its volume or sound.

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Can I use the Zooz device as an indicator light? is it an RGB led, does the driver allow me to control it like a bulb (brightness, color, pulse, etc?) if so I'm kinda surprised no one suggested it in my thread about [ON AIR] Battery powered indicator light

The device doesn't support controlling the LED.

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Anybody gotta source for custom .wav files for use with the Zooz Multisensor?

Full disclosure, I am a new migrater from the other hub. I had actually purchased the ZSE19 for it once but considering it was operating via cloud execution, there was quite a bit of latency for the application I was using it for (chiming on door vibrations and open/close events). Is this any better on Hubitat, or is the latency inherent to the device considering it has to load and play .wav files? Would love to hear your honest feedback on this.

I was wondering the same thing, didn't find anything, so created my own with a little research.

I used https://www.texttospeechfree.com/ to create the wav files with the announcement I wanted. Couldn't find the perfect wav file setting that would allow direct import, so then I used Convert audio to WAV to make it work within the parameters set by Zooz (bit under 44, sampling 8khz, mono).

A little work, but allowed me to create the exact messages I wanted and needed.

Anyone can share the battery life for the zooz siren?

I have had my Siren for 12 months so far and still in the original batteries

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C7 hub or older? I still have C5 so wondering about battery life without S2

Does the zooz siren driver support battery level?

Hey Folks, Just purchased a Zooz MultiSiren ZSE19. Got it installed and works great from the device page. This maybe a silly question, but how do I incorporate it in my notifications? I must be missing something here, but it does not show up as a notification device....

I just received mine as well, but haven't had a chance to add it into the system yet. I did find this video about adding it into ST, and probably provides some insight on how it should be done in HE.

Hmmm interesting, The Multisiren does not come up as a device that is recognized as a notification device like in that Smartthings video. It does however come up as a Chime in a rule. @bcopeland am I right in sayin this or have I missed the boat completely? If so is it possible to add the "Chime" device as a recognized notification device?

Hi Folks, Another question. Did your Multisiren join up at 100kbps? Mine is on 40kbps and is route changing like crazy and is only 5 feet from the hub. I've posted this in another thread and have reached out to zooz support, but am interested to know what others have for connection speed and route changes.

Yup, found the same issue. And I second being able to add a chime as a notification device.

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I wonder what the root cause of a device to be route changing like this?... Zooz has offered to replace my Siren, but to be honest it works, it's just delayed and still route changing. I rebooted the system a few days ago, route changes were up to 200+ on this Siren, after reboot it's climbing again, up to 100. Again, don't know why it would do that when its literally 5 feet from the hub. I'd really like to get some more advice and feedback on this device to see if it's a device issue or not.