Zooz motion sensor and Alexa

So I need Alexa to see this motion sensor so I can link it to some Ioffy smart switches (for humidity and light), but Alexa says this is a temperature sensor. Are there instructions for getting it to show up as a motion sensor or contact switch and a humidity sensor? I've heard of making a virtual device but I haven't done that before and at first try I wasn't getting it.

make a virtual motion sensor, then use a mirror app to sync the motion of the sensor to the motion of the virtual sensor. present that motion sensor to Alexa

Okay, so I have my device called Motion and I created a virtual motion detector called VirtualMotion, but when I go to the Mirror app, there's nothing to select.

I didn't find Mirror app can select Motion Sensor as source or slave.
I made rules in Rule Machine to do so.

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So I tried to add a rule, not sure what I'm doing exactly but I did trigger on motion active on the main device and then run If(Laundry Motion active(F)False Then Configure 'active' on VirtualLaundryMotion

Is that the right direction? It doesn't seem to be doing anything though.

you could do:

TRIGGER: Laundry Motion changes
ACTION: If Landry Motion is active THEN
set VirtualLaundryMotion to active
set VirtualLaundryMotion to inactive

This seems not the first time reported

Alexa seeing ST motion sensor as temperature sensor - Support / Apps - Hubitat
Alexa sees iris motion sensor as temp only now - Support - Hubitat

I can confirm that all my Motion Sensor (Fibaro, Hue Outdoor, Dome), Virtual Motion Sensor and event Contact Sensors shown up as Temperature Sensor in Alexa.

I don't use Alexa for anything other than light control so I care that less.
I can understand Hue Outdoor, Fibaro and Samsung Multisensor both sense temperature but it's funny to see even a Virtual Motion Sensor reported 70F? I don't know how could that happen.

And I want to check if my patio door in closed (Samsung Multisensor as contact sensor) and it gives me temperature when clicked on the device, or "I'm not sure" if using voice command

And seems like it could be due to device in the Alexa device list can only have 1 capability?

Yeah, I think that's probably the issue. The limits of devices in Alexa. I do wish not to use Alexa for these, but the smart switches I have are wifi/Alexa enabled. I get these types because they are 2, 3, and 4-gang panels and I don't want to replace a 3-gang panel with 3 1-gang panels due to aesthetics and possibly the fit of the panels. I've been super busy this week but I hope the above recommendation works when I have a chance to try it.

I use alexa solely as a convenience to announce things, like motion detection, contact sensors, beam sensor etc. Alexa is just a backup, hubitat is doing all the heavy lifting.

I have started using a virtual switch that gets set to ON whenever motion is detected, then I let alexa see the switch and announce it like "MOtion detected", all good

Those links were not helpful, but thanks. But yeah it seems I'm having the same issue as you.

I've done that rule in RuleMachine, but it doesn't appear to be changing the virtual device. Maybe my virtual device has the wrong type assigned to it? I tried to change the type to Fibaro since Alexa can see that, but the echo dot wanted me to sign into a Fibaro account.

Progress, you guys. So I had forgotten that you need to add your device to the Alexa App in HE. So now it can see the virtual motion detector and the routine is set up, but I still am having trouble setting the virtual detector.

Got it. What you had absolutely works. I just needed to change my virtual device type to Virtual Motion Detector.

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the virtual device should only be "virtual ", so if you want a motion sensor, do "virtual motion"

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