Zooz dimmer stops communicating after a few hours

Currently dealing with a strange occurrence where after a few hours my Zen72 dimmers are not communicating with the Hubitat C8 Pro. The only way to get them to work again is to "Activate" the dimmers from the Hubitat app, then they'll function for a few hours. I'm wondering if I'm missing a setting/configuration. Thanks for any assistance.

I have the Zen72 Dimmers with "Button Controllers" set up to communicate with the Hubitat C-8 Pro, in turn communicates with the Philips Hue Bridge then Philips Hue Bulbs. I only listed the information for one dimmer below as I have configured them all the identically (sans some 3 way switches, which would have those settings enabled). Let me know if any logs are needed.

The parameters that were changed from default in the Zen72 dimmers are the following:

  • Behavior After Power Failure: Forced to on
  • Ramp Rate to Full ON: Instant On/Off
  • Ramp Rate to Full OFF: Instant Off
  • Scene Control Events: Enabled
  • Smart Bulb Mode - Load Control: Disable Paddle and Z-Wave Control

Devices List:
Hub: Hubitat C-8 Pro; version:

configVals: [1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 5:0, 7:15, 8:1, 9:0, 10:1, 11:99, 12:0, 13:1, 15:2, 16:5, 18:0, 19:0, 20:0, 21:0, 22:20, 23:1, 24:1, 25:0, 26:0, 27:2, 28:255, 29:255, 30:5, 31:0, 32:0]
deviceId: 40962
deviceModel: ZEN72
deviceType: 28672
firmwareVersion: 3.30
hardwareVersion: 3
inClusters: 0x5E,0x9F,0x55,0x70,0x5B,0x8E,0x59,0x85,0x86,0x6C,0x73,0x26,0x72,0x87,0x7A,0x5A
manufacturer: 634
protocolVersion: 7.19
zwNodeInfo: D3 9C 00 04 11 00 5E 9F 55 70 5B 8E 59 85 5C 86 6C 73 26 72 87 7A 5A 68 23

Dimmer Driver: Zooz ZEN Dimmer Advanced by jtp10181 version 2.0.2

There is nothing in the settings that would cause the device to stop working after certain time. Just so I am clear, you are saying that you stop getting events FROM the switch after a while but if you go to the device page (or mobile app) and send on/off commands to the switch then it starts working again?

Sounds like a mesh routing issue to me. Post your full z-wave details page (may take multiple screenshots).

Just so I am clear, you are saying that you stop getting events FROM the switch after a while but if you go to the device page (or mobile app) and send on/off commands to the switch then it starts working again?

Yes, that's correct in how it behaves currently. It kind of seems like the hubitat is not receiving the events kicked out from the dimmer.

I've dug through someone else's issues and saw one of your posts for lighting. (thanks for that it's been quite helpful) So I'm currently switching over to the Room lighting and Mirror setup.

I did run the repair earlier today and received this result:

Stage: Idle
Finished Z-Wave Network Repair
Completed Nodes: 06 07 0F 10 11 18 1A 0B 0C 0D
0E 19 15 16 17
Failed Nodes: 08 09 13 14 1B 0A 12

To note:

  • Node 0x06 I'm working on removing,
  • Node 0x09 no longer exists
  • Node 0x12; 0x13; and 0x1B I am unsure what they are currently

Here are my current z-wave details page screenshots:

Nodes 0x12 and 0x13 need to be removed, those are from failed pairing most likely.

What are the nodes that are having problems?

The nodes that are having issues are 0x0b, 0c, and 0d

I’ve purchased some zwave extenders and relocated the hubitat in hopes to improve the signal strength too

I ’ve since added some more nodes and also trying to get rid of nodes.

How do I force the hubitat to update the remove? Its status is stuck on pending

Looks Like 0x0C - 0x11 are missing from your screenshots.

Sometimes dead nodes get stuck in there and are hard to remove. Here is a guide with all the collective info. How To: Remove Ghosts using hub tools or a UZB Stick

Thanks for the help on this.

It looks like adding additional z wave extenders. And relocating the hubitat resolved the issue of devices dropping off until “waking”

Haven’t been able to remove the ghost nodes. But the UZB I ordered should be in today.

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