Zooz 4-in-1 sensor issues?

The device sleeps so the refresh button can't request the values immediately and has to wait for the device to wake up on its own or by pushing the button with a paperclip.

It only takes measurements every 3 minutes so you won't see light changes immediately, but when it takes measurements it should report temperature, light, and humidity every time one of them exceeds their threshold.

How often is it reporting humidity and temp?

This device isn't a real lux sensor and it only reports values of about 0-50 lux so pretty much all it can detect is if it's bright enough to not need a light.

Duplicate events won't appear on the events screen so the only way to see if it's reporting the same value over and over is to watch the logs.

All that being said, the only firmware I'm aware of is 5.9, 16.9, and 17.9 and every firmware update had changes that broke the settings and required the handler to be updated.

It wouldn't surprise me if they added a setting or something in the 24.16 firmware that effects lux reporting and didn't tell Hubitat which would explain why your device isn't behaving like the 17.9 version...

The other possibility is that the group 1 association got dropped on inclusion, but that would also effect motion reporting. It wouldn't hurt to remove the device, factory reset it, and join it again, but that probably won't solve your issue.


Zooz's 5.9 version was the same as Monoprice, but Zooz completely changed the hardware and firmware in the later versions which solved all the original issues.

I second this. I have 3 of the Hue outdoor motion sensors. They are very fast to respond to motion, have long detection range, report lux (if changed) every 5 minutes when "asleep", and every 10 seconds when "awake". One of them is in my garage because the other motion sensors I looked at didn't have the range to see all the way to the other side (30+ feet).

I also have the same problem with two brand new Zooz ZSE40's but they are not reporting anything, not just Lux.
The sensors reported their readings only upon inclusion and since then no value have changed.
I have contacted Zooz directly and am now waiting for their reply...

Remove the device, factory reset it, join it again, and let us know if that solves the problem...

OK, so after a factory reset of both sensors the sensors did actually communicate but stopped all together when I changed the LED Indicator mode (to no led lights either for temperature or motion).
I changed the preferences after initial inclusion so I probably missed the fact that this was the issue...

Are you on the latest version of Hubitat? There were some issues with parameter changes for some of our sensors in the previous release so please check if you're running the latest version just in case.

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I just tested the new version and everything is working as expected for me.

I set the temperature and humidity thresholds to the highest values which basically disables them, set the light threshold to 5%, and then woke the device up so the settings were sent to the device.

I turned a light on in the room with the sensor and within 3 minutes it reported 21 lux and it reported 0 lux within 3 minutes of turning the light off.

Motion reports shouldn't effect the sensor reports, but it's usually easier to test lux at night using a light you can control remotely...

I've tried all the LED options with the new device and none of them affect the lux/temp/humidity reporting...

When you noticed that it wasn't reporting after changing that setting were you looking at the logs? The device's events page only shows events where the value changed so the only way to tell if the device is actually reporting values is to look at the logs.

Yes, I’m running the latest version.

The logs showed only one reading for each sensor after initial sync and that did not change for an extensive period of time (not sure for how long but it was more than 24 hours). No changes from sensors I normally get accurate readings for (like temp and motion). Until I changed the settings... I’m sure I can trigger that again. Haven’t tried it yet. I’m just using the default setting with motion led.

I went to purchase one from your website and i have no options for Canada ???

I've been running mine with the settings below for a few days and it's still reporting minor lux changes...

That being said, I'm testing it on my development hub which doesn't have any other devices so if you have a lot of devices or noisy devices then Hubitat might be dropping the reports because they're sent too close together and it looks like lux is usually sent last so it would make sense that it's the one that gets dropped the most...

If you have metering devices and you're not doing anything with the power, energy, voltage, etc. events then you should disable those reports or make them report as least often as possible. The number of reports being sent to the hub can have a significant impact on Hubitat's reliability and performance.

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After changing a value and sving the preferences, how many times do we have to press the zwave button for it to take?
I don't want the LED to show under any circumstances, so I set the value in preferences to be Temperature Off/Motion Off. However, it still shows!

Just pressing the button once should do it.

Occasionally it doesn't wake up when you push the button, but if you enable debug logging and open logging before pushing the button you'll be able to see if it wakes up and syncs everything.

I have 8 4-n-1s a mixture of monoprice and zooz, is it possible to upgrade the firmware? These were very responsive with my ST hub, but less than responsive on my C4. I am using the built in driver, I have tried waking the device up many times I just dont see it reporting in the logs

We made a lot of hardware and firmware changes outside of Z-Wave so it would all depend on the version of the sensor you have. We're not affiliated with Monoprice and won't be able to troubleshoot their devices for you. The Zooz firmware files may only be applied and used with Zooz devices.

If you'd like to know if your Zooz sensor can be upgraded via an OTA firmware update, please get in touch with our support and include the current firmware version of your sensor as well as your order number (from The Smartest House or Amazon) with your request for faster service.

Anyone having issues when the device is paired securely with a C7 hub? I'm seeing intermittent issues with a bunch of my other devices dropping of the network when the Zooz 4-1 is paired.

@agnes.zooz I'm running ZSE40 - firmwareVersion: 24.16

Yes, the S0 security kills the battery and the mesh, for me at least, The only way to pair without security is by using a secondary controller (Z Stick) and PC Controller software.

I bought the 4-in-1 ver.2 and it's not great at all. I used in in a bathroom to turn light on as well as turn the fan on when shower was on and humidity gets high. It worked very well for turning the light on for about a month but was always very slow to respond to humidity changes. Now it just stops responding all together after a couple days and to get it working again I have to pull the battery.