Zooz 4 in 1 motion issues

Ah, ok. Sorry I was mixed up.

Oh. I thought it came with the last patch.

Forcing the wake up and configure didn’t help. It got stuck active again immediately on first trigger.

Fix coming at you quite soon.... stand by

For me, first results are good, I will monitor for the next couple of days.

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Should be fixed: Hub Update 1.1.6

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Good news, the motion sensor is reporting motion and sensors properly.
Bad news, when I tried to turn off the led and force configure, the zooz froze. A power cycle brought it back.
Worse news, I didn’t capture logs when it froze, and there are no past logs due to my lack of diligence. I will try to reproduce when I have time.

I dont think this is related to the driver patch, that patch literally was uncommenting one line which allowed the driver to process an additional report sent from the device as a motion event.

Ok, will still try to recreate just in case I can see something to help others in the future.

Mine do appear to be behaving much better since the patch.

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I'm having serious issues with this. My motion status is stuck in "active". I, like o.p., also reset, excluded, then included the device atleast 8 times, and I still cant seem to figure it out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as I'm strongly considering sending it back and would rather figure it out than abandon it.


Welcome to the community. I wish I had and answer, but I got rid of my Zooz... Which might be my answer :slight_smile:

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Welp.... in testing... we discovered it's not communicating well to the hub. Moving it closer solves the issue of connectivity, but not the practical problem I needed the sensor to solve since I cant use it where I want it. I'm sure I can build mesh with more z wave devices, but in general I'm disappointed with the range of this vs all of my zigbee devices. Thanks anyways everyone.

Last note... even now with this sensor working, it still seems to not be very reliable. Not sure if it's the sensor or he, but regardless, I will not be buying anymore of these. Thinking of going with the aeotech multi now.
That is all. Thanks.

I've had a Zooz 4-in-1 sensor for a while now to turn on the overhead nightlight in the bathroom between sunset and sunrise and it's worked flawlessly. I did have to increase the sensitivity a tad for it to see my toddler, but so far it's been very rock solid.

Is yours a V1 or a V2. When I was researching sensors, I read a lot of bad things about the V1 that V2 supposedly fixed.

EDIT: And there is a Zwave switch in the bathroom (it controls the light) so it's very close to a repeating device. I think a lot of people's problems are putting battery powered devices to far away from a node on their mesh.

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This :point_up::point_up::point_up:.

Multiple repeaters are recommended to build a strong mesh. I would recommend getting a strong mesh built out or you will be disappointed with inconsistent events.

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I have 4 of these sensors, all paired using a secondary controller with no security. Two of them today decided to start triggering motion every 10 minutes like clockwork causing lights to go crazy. Has anyone seen this issue before?

Not with this sensor specifically, but lots of my sensors (mostly Zigbee) will begin sending spurious motion events when the batteries get low. This could be the same problem. Have you tried replacing the battery?

(In related news, don't believe the battery reports the device sends. If it says 100% then this is probably a bit odd, but pretty much anything below that could be good or could be dead with some devices in my experience...)

Do any of them list pending changes in the device screen. I had one do that and was able to fix it by bringing it closer to the hub, hitting configure on the device screen, and then hitting the wake button on the sensor.

Thanks for the ideas. They don't list pending changes and have a brand new battery. I excluded and re-included and that seems to have stopped the motion for now...

I noticed that the wakeupinterval is different on each of them with no setting to configure. image