Zone motion zones not appearing for simple automation

When I create a zone motion zone it is not appearing as a choice in the drop-down to control lights. See screenshots of zone name starting with "Test" not appearing to trigger a simple automation. What am I missing?

Not sure I follow your issue and screenshots. But I can confirm that motion zone devices do show up in Simple Auromation as I use one in my kitchen where 3 motions are part of the motion zone

Thank you for the reply. I have several Simple Automations working fine with zones. I just can't seem to create a NEW motion zone and have it show up in the selection drop-down in Simple Automation. The zone with the name starting with "Test" is an example. It does not show up in the drop-down in Simple Automation as shown in the screenshots. I must be missing something but I can't find it!

On my dev hub I setup a new motion zone and then went to Simple Automation and created a new rule and the newly created motion zone showed up as an option. By default the zone motions have a "mZone" prefix.

Thank you for the reply. I included screenshots of every choice for a zone motion group. Two screenshots above. There is no mZone beginning with Test in the zone group. Very frustrating!