I have a question about the built in system app: Zone Motion Sensor:
I have 2 motion sensors: Front Door Motion Sensor & Front Door Motion Sensor II.
Whenever both of them, even for a second, both show ACTIVE, I want the Front Door Motion Zone sensor to show ACTIVE.
Therefore, I have used the Zone Motion App:
This shows that the Zone app program only thought that the Front Door Motion Sensor II was active, not the other one. Which is really strange, because the event log of the other one shows:
I made up 2 virtual motion sensors.
I clicked on making them active one immediately after the other.
the zone motion sensor, didn't become active (at all).
can you post the complete live logs resulting from activating both real sensors in the manor that you are expecting them to work?
leave debug logging for the sensors and zone disabled, but enable description text logging on all three.
I changed the Activation window to 45 seconds - and it worked.
I think that the wording of what that window is could be improved somewhat.
In other words, "if there is an overlap of the active status of the motion sensors selected, with this Activation Window, then the Zone Motion Sensor device will show as being active"
with the "false" mode, all the motion sensors have to be active within the window...
@mike.maxwell thanks very much for helping me on this... another example of "user error"....