zigbeeStatus > Zigbee radio is offline

Current = C8 -

Not sure why but I get Zigbee radio is offline / online errors.
But it does not happen very often about every 1-8 days.
seems to happen on most if not all ver's of firmware I try.
I have not changed anything - nothing has changed.
Seems to be happing a lot to many people < I see lots of topics about this.
Kinda wonder if it has to do with the 2.3.9 because I do not remember ever seeing this
with the older ver's 2.3.8 ect. I hope the staff can look at this.
Also find it weird it happens at weird times 1-7 days. never the same.

Interesting - it appears that it goes offline for about 7 seconds when it happens. I am seeing that too. I haven't reported it because it has almost no impact on me. It looks like your is also going off for approximately 7 seconds.

That 7s period is how long it takes the hub to see the offline state and restart the Zigbee radio...that function was added to catch these situations quite a while back. Majority of the time it these quick restarts a non-issue as they are infrequent. However, if it is frequent and happens just as an automation might be triggered, e.g., it happens as as you walk into a room w/motion sensors turning on a light, the light turning on via motion will be delayed.

It's unrelated to 2.3.9, has been around across a number of previous releases.

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Thanks. It's good to understand why. I know mine has been doing this for quite a while but they are very infrequent.

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Darn it .. I cleared the logs on the last reboot / restart DOH !
So I can not see if its related to a automation, But I do not think it is.
I will look next time for sure .. but I think I have in the past and didn't see anything.

Yeah, it's not a good thing, and HE staff have banged on it very hard w/large hammers ( :wink: ) so instances have been greatly reduced, but still an issue for a small percentage of users, unfortunately.

Can you look at the logs and see if something happened at the time it went off line ?

My logs don't go back that far. I'll try to keep an eye on it to see if it correlates to anything else going on.

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If you want to go down the (deep) rabbit hole search for Zigbee Radio Offline.

New data ..
Still getting zigbee errors .. this time with logs.
But nothing showing in logs that would cause it.

It's not for everyone, but getting rid of all mains powered Zigbee devices, ie, repeaters, solved the Zigbee radio reboot issue for me.