Zigbee switch for blinds 24Vdc

Dear all, I’m looking for a Zigbee switch for blinds / shutters, compatible with Hubitat.

I have blinds inside the windows, light version, which is working in 24V DC. I have only found Shelly 2.5 which looks fine, but I’d like to have all the smart home devices in Zigbee (at least Z-wave). The Shelly is only Wifi version.

Do you have any suggestion?



Welcome to Hubitat community forum, @loris.montepietra !

TS0601 and TS130F models of Tuya/Moes Curtain switches are supported in the community maintained Zemismart Zigbee driver.

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it looks like the perfect choice, but after i noticed that it works only in AC :frowning: I can't find DC version.

It is directly supported by hubitat though and is 100% local (no cloud needed) so if it's working I would leave it..


The Smart Implant works with 9 to 30vdc and is z-wave.


You can ask the AE sellers if they offer dry-contact curtain switches that will work with DC motors..
Try Loratap : https://www.aliexpress.com/store/4659052?spm=a2g0o.detail.1000007.1.5a521a88QQgqWZ

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I choosed this option, and it is working pretty well. I configured everything manually because it didn't recognize the shutters, but I set everything manually and now is working like a charm :slight_smile: also it works the adjustment of the shutter inclination (to let the lights comes in or not). Or closing and opening.

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