Zigbee - Sensors not communicating

Seems just about like all my Contact / Motion sensors have stopped communicating with my hub and I'm not sure why or what to do about it. I've tried pulling the battery on a few devices and plugging back in but that hasn't worked either and today I've tried changing my Zigbee channel from 25 to 20.

I have 3 TRADFI outlets as repeates spread across my home for my mesh today.

Here is my Hub Zigbee Route and Child Info.

Parent child parameters
EzspGetParentChildParametersResponse [childCount=2, parentEui64=0000000000000000, parentNodeId=65535]

Child Data
child:[Dining Room Slider Contact, 5DE2, type:EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE]
child:[Garage Door Tilt Sensor, 1ED9, type:EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE]

Neighbor Table Entry
[Furnace Room - Natural Gas Detector, 5418], LQI:255, age:3, inCost:1, outCost:1
[Master Bedroom Outlet 2, 8AB4], LQI:223, age:3, inCost:5, outCost:7

Route Table Entry

Here's my current list of Zigbee Devices:

As you can see, the majority of my devices that are not communicating are IRIS devices.

Communication seems to have stopped on 9/23.

I've attempted to completely power down the hub but that hasn't worked either. Any suggestions / help would be appreciated @bobbyD. This is my recently new C4 hub that I'm working off of.

Thank you.

I seem to remember @markus saying something about the Zigbee pan id changing. I don't know what you have to do to get them back, but I think you have to almost do a pair again, but don't delete them from Hubitat. Put the hub into Zigbee discovery, go to device and pair it to the hub again.


Thanks for pointing that out. I found the thread by Markus and read over it and after going through and factory resetting my sensors and repairing them, they’re all online and communicating again.

Your neighbor table data is only showing two repeaters. I thought you mentioned you had 3 Tradfri control outlets .....

Yes, and everything is showing up now properly.

Neighbor Table Entry
[Furnace Room - Natural Gas Detector, 5418], LQI:252, age:4, inCost:3, outCost:1
[Office Outlet 1, 5C52], LQI:254, age:4, inCost:1, outCost:0
[Living Room Outlet 1, 621F], LQI:254, age:3, inCost:1, outCost:0
[Master Bedroom Outlet 2, 8AB4], LQI:132, age:7, inCost:7, outCost:0

From the figures in the neighbor table, only the furnace room device seems to be working well as a repeater for the hub.

The devices that are showing outCost:0 are not reporting their link status back to the hub (the LQI figures shown indicate only how well the hub can hear them; when zero is reported as outCost, it means that those devices haven't told the hub how well they can hear it. Normally cost figures are better when they are low but zero is a special case). The routing strategy will tend to avoid choosing neighbors as repeaters when they have not reported a valid link status.

This doesn't mean your devices won't function, just that you have one repeater that is doing all the work. if you can't fix it by relocating those repeaters then don't worry about it. But you are missing some redundancy in case of issues with the furnace room device.

Thank you for the info and good to know. I’m going to let everything settle for 24/48 hours and I’ll check again. The meter is centrally located in the house in the basement so that may account for why that is but I do have sensors that are closer to the outlets so I’m not sure why it wouldn’t use them first?

Hard to say; could be that the furnace room device is better designed RF-wise, or possibly the way the other devices are positioned relative to the signal absorbing/reflecting material elsewhere in the house is making a difference. Maybe there is a better noise environment down there.

I have a similar scenario in my living room where devices close to the hub (and other close repeaters) would rather talk through a device that is quite a bit further away. For some reason my Iris V2 plugs are like magnets for my Zigbee sensors.

Also, from the getChildndRouteinfo page you can't really tell if your sensors are not using those nearer plugs as intermediate routers (they actually may be using them in multi-hop routes on their way to the hub via the furnace room device). That page will only tell you info about the 'last hop' neighbor routers of the hub... not what the other repeaters are talking to as intermediaries.

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