ZigBee RGBW Downlights

I was wondering if anyone had experience with ZigBee downlights like this one:

Having been burnt with Ikea Zigbee switches, I was hoping to get some feedback first :slight_smile:

Other than these, does anyone know of any good Zigbee RGBW or at least dimmable downlights in Australia? Do they make reliable repeaters? I am mostly Z-Wave, so my Z-Wave mesh is excellent, but I use a lot of Zigbee sensors since they work better on small button cells and my Zigbee mesh is probably a bit weak downstairs. I much prefer to use live devices rather than dedicated repeaters if I can since I am more likely to notice a real device stop working.


These look like the Nue version, which we do support.

Interesting, I was also looking at the Nue stuff, although I have a bad experience based on their older stuff. I understand that they have updated a lot of their gear.

I notice that the Nue HGZB-021 inline dimmer is also supported but I can't find any information on whether they act as good repeaters.

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