Zigbee radio stuck in Initialising stage

I recently took out my C7 and replaced with a C8 I bought when it first came out or there was a sale or something. Been longer than the 90 days, so no warranty.

The data save/upgrade process went OK...a few hiccups, but eventually it looked like I got it all converted. Then I tried to add some new Zigbee plugs...no connection...when I looked at the Zigbee section I see that there is no port number and the status is Initialising...Pan ID 0...extended is null. And I've also realized that though the data came across, I'm not controlling the 2 devices I had on the old system.

I've rebooted, shut down, tap danced (ok, not so much) and I'm in the same place.

I can't see anything else I can do to get this hub to have the Zigbee radio work. I'd like to have a next step to try.

Have you tried restarting the Zigbee radio from Zigbee Details page? If that doesn't work to activate the radio and to get a pan id, then try disabling the radio, then Shut down the hub from Settings. When the led on the hub turns red, unplug the hub for 30 seconds before plugging it back. When the hub is back online go back to Zigbee Details and enable the hub. Confirm that you see a PAN Id.

I HAD tried just a reboot of the Zigbee before, but not the disable, shutdown, wait, bring up, restart.
Unfortunately that didn't work. But thanks. You had something I hadn't tried

Still looking for suggestions.

And also I DID do a backup, soft reset, restore. No love

Please send me a private message along with your hub ID or MAC address.

Do you have both Zigbee and Zigbee 3.0 devices? I had that problem. Pairing in the clear, avoiding Zigbee 3.0 repeaters, None of it worked. Try removing the Zigbee 3.0 devices, include the regular Zigbee devices first, then add the Zigbee 3.0 devices once all of your regular Zigbee devices are paired.
The 3.0 devices being paired first was the cause of my problem. The ultimate solution (for me) will be getting rid of almost all Zigbee devices except for 3 hue motion sensors.

I don't, but you've given me an idea to get rid of my Zigbee devices (I don't have many...yet) and see if the Zigbee will come up with no connections in place. If THAT works I assume I'll be able to add them back in. It's an idea. Thanks

I was unable to actually remove the Zigbee devices. Thanks for the recommendation.