Zigbee radio shuts off for a few minutes; no apparent reason

OK, I am going to post this inquiry as a new topic since I didn't see the specific situation in other threads.


Zigbee radio just shuts off for a few minutes, seemingly randomly, several times a day. I can see it in the "location events" log, here's one such instance:

| zigbeeOn | Zigbee radio is on | zigbeeOn | SYSTEM | 2021-12-09 12:59:38.570 EST |

| zigbeeOff | Zigbee radio is off | zigbeeOff | SYSTEM | 2021-12-09 12:54:03.537 EST |

and another:

| zigbeeOn | Zigbee radio is on | zigbeeOn | SYSTEM| 2021-12-13 19:23:08.334 EST |

| zigbeeOff | Zigbee radio is off | zigbeeOff | SYSTEM | 2021-12-13 19:17:03.203 EST |

here are some more:

| zigbeeOn | Zigbee radio is on | zigbeeOn | SYSTEM | 2021-12-10 13:46:18.089 EST |

| zigbeeOff | Zigbee radio is off | zigbeeOff | SYSTEM | 2021-12-10 13:40:32.959 EST |

| zigbeeOn | Zigbee radio is on | zigbeeOn | SYSTEM | 2021-12-10 07:57:32.274 EST |

| zigbeeOff | Zigbee radio is off | zigbeeOff | SYSTEM | 2021-12-10 07:51:57.139 EST |

| zigbeeOn | Zigbee radio is on | zigbeeOn | SYSTEM | 2021-12-10 05:10:37.020 EST |

| zigbeeOff | Zigbee radio is off | zigbeeOff | SYSTEM | 2021-12-10 05:04:22.001 EST |

4 to 6 minutes or so, each time, random times of day. No correlation with anything else I can think of.

It's annoying when someone is walking around or whatever and the automation doesn't do what it's supposed to because the Zigbee is AWOL.

HE C7 hub, always running the very latest code. Running mostly some rather simple automation timer type use cases.

There is a Lutron hub and a Hue hub integration.

The Hue Zigbee devices are on channel 11, as I recall, and all the HE Zigbee devices are on channel 20.

This problem has been happening for a while and has recently become more noticeable.

Typically, the Zigbee turning off is a sign that your hub is “overworked”. Do you have anything in your logs or system stats that might show the cause?


If you didn't do so already, be sure to send an email to support@hubitat.com. Zigbee going offline on a C7 is indicative of a hardware malfunction.


Thanks for the response. I thought the same thing, and while I have had situations where the HE gave me an 'elevated' CPU use message, in this case I don't see anything obvious like that.

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Thanks for the response. I just sent an email to the 'support' alias.