Zigbee or Zwave UK Blinds


I realise this is an old thread, however, could someone confirm as to whether the Neosmart driver units will work without the need for the neosmart hub so long as the comunity driver (listed within the thread) is used with the hubitat?

Or is the Neosmart driver used to comunicate with their hub?


The hub is required to control the blinds via HE.

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hmmm, looks like they're not on the radar in the UK as i'm unable to locate a reseller at all!

Also, the NeoSmart website seems to have not been updated since 2017! :joy:

Try https://www.louvolite.com/product-range/motorised-blinds-2/

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does this device also require a bespoke, manufacturer specific, hub to work with HE?

Also, do they only cater for blinds as i'm looking at the bigger picture...interested in the Lutron RA2 Select system at the moment as their range of devices and the way they all bolt together seems to be quite well thought out.

I've even seen that there appears to be a hubitat driver for use with the IKEA motorised blinds which negates the need for the IKEA hub...that said, the jury's out with regards to their looks...would aork out a heck of a lot cheaper though.

That said, the IKEA battery situation seems a fair bit better thought out than the Lutron blinds