Zigbee Network Issues

What kind of battery life are you getting from these? I'm wondering if I just got crap batch of batteries or if this is normal on HE, as I just replaced 2 sensors batteries 2 weeks ago, and 1- 34% and the other is at 12%?

I have my original SmartThings Motion Sensor plugged in via its onboard USB port. No battery issues whatsoever :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

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Most of my issues are not with devices dropping, but rather the hub saying the network is offline.
The tradfri bulbs were suggested by many here as good repeaters. It would seem that the main coordinator would be the source of the "zigbee network offline" messages. If I disable then enable zigbee network from the hub, then the issue goes away for a while. Even though I might have some non-standard devices(xiaomi) I wouldn't expect those to take down the whole network, and in other threads even customers with smaller networks and zero non-standard devices I see the issue reported. I know this can be very complex, and I really wish we had better debugging tools outside of the logs and routing table display.
Thank you again for your reply

The tradfri outlets yes, the bulbs being good repeaters?, this isn't known to me...

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This is usually a resource or over heating issue on the hub causing the stack to go offline.
I have seen devices flood the zigbee network, but I have never seen a device take the stick offline...

@mike.maxwell how sensitive are the hubs to over heating. The room my hub is in will sometimes get to hot and I notice the hub will most likely be crashed. Everything else in the room is still humming along.. routers. Two pcs. Routers and switches all good to go still.

Just seems like hub is a bit more susceptible to the heat.

CPU use -> heat
Try turing it sideways to expose the ventilation on the bottom, or try a fan on it as an expirement...

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Start experimenting with the TRÅDFRI outlets. I had one on a GFCI outlet in the bathroom, and my wife tripped it with her hair dryer, but didn’t realize it. That killed the TRÅDFRI outlet and the network start going nuts. Devices that never dropped off were dropping. This could be a faulty TRÅDFRI outlet in your case. Their QC has a spotty track records it seems.

Thanks SHP, but as I indicated, no issue with devices dropping, but even if they did, Zigbee is supposed to be resilient and route around the dead devices.
So can a single bad device cause the hub to say the network is offline? I would certainly hope not
I've always had my hub on it's edge to minimize heat buildup, and it's barely warm.

I'm not sure if it would or not. Yes Zigbee can self heal, but that can take many hours. Most of use would freak out and take action before the network ever got a chance to do that! :rofl:

Do you lose internet often? I used to experience the network dropping when the internet dropped. I believe that was solved many revision ago, however I also have a new ISP modem and don't regularly lose internet like I used to.

In my case I actually had a courrupted database that caused the radio to go offline randomly, after a reset and restore from a backup I have yet to have the radio go offline.

Also could be a third party driver if you have any.

How often is it dropping?

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Internet is 101% solid, fios gigabit from the ONT via CAT6 direct to Nighthawk R7000 router(wifi off) I have 2 Unifi LR AP's at opposite ends of the house. Most all devices hardwired outside of cellphones & 8 Wyzecams. Always disabling the zigbee and reenabling takes care of the warning. Rebooting seems to keep it at bay, for a while ~12 hours or so.
Thank You

I'm game for a reset, do you have a link to the process?
I would love a test enviorment where we had debug tools, we could load drivers and examine their effect on the system, as I do have 3rd party drivers. Without that I'd be undoing my system piece by piece to find the possible problem driver.

Personally I like these instructions :smiley:



Yeah, this is good. Soft reset worked for me.


Well let me ask this way. How warm is too warm for the hub? It gets pretty warm here during summertime and I don't like to keep the house cold while no one is here.

It seems my hub is crashing when the room it is it in get a little warmer than 80 degrees.

Just curious if it is reasonable to expect the hub to keep running at this temp under "reasonable" load.

What a great tool!
Is there something like this for Zwave as well?

This worked a couple of times for me but just doesn't want to play anymore.

I'm just a bumpkin, but it seems to me that if internal temps are potentially important, that should be something exposed in the Web Interface and have a system event/alert on high temp... Thoughts @chuck.schwer or @mike.maxwell ?


Sadly there isn't a built-in equivalent tool for Zwave. It is possible to get more insight into Zwave goings on by adding a Zwave stick on an external device and software to query the network. I use an Aeotek Zstick and a virtual machine or RPi and OpenZwave Control Panel. I can gather the hops and neighbor tables from the OZWCP logs.

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