Zigbee Mini Repeaters (Tuya) - Shout Out

Looks great! :+1:

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Sharing is caring! :wink::slightly_smiling_face: Look forward to seeing it when you're ready.

Do you know if this will be compatible with the Sonoff USB dongle repeaters?

The main reason I switched from just using the "Device" driver to the IKEA driver was that the Device driver was somewhat noisier in the logs than using the IKEA driver.

Looking forward to seeing Gary's driver at some point.


The whole repeating function happens at the firmware level. My driver just takes a peak at what it is doing. As the fields it looks at are mandatory according to the spec it should work.

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You'll be able to turn off everything in the logs except for errors.

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the repeater is also somewhat weaker signal wise that other zigbee devices.. so not sure how good of a repeater it will be..

Not suprising though give the tiny size of it.. no room for much of an antenna

given that this is basically 25 feet from the hub through one wall i would have thought it would be a little stronger.

waiting for this one.. looks real nice. one of the problems is no input into what extenders/repeaters are doing and i frequently look at zigbee routes etc just to make sure they are still online.

I use this driver and it's been fine.