Zigbee messaging broadcasting. Which devices do the broadcasting?

I have a specific question about Zigbee groups. Are zigbee commands broadcasted using just the devices in the group or are they broadcasted using the entire mesh? For example, I have a bunch of outlets at the edge of my mesh that I want to turn on/off. Let's call these outer outlets. I also have a bunch of outlets in the mesh which closer to the hub. Let's call these inner outlets. It seems that I get better response to the outer outlets if I include the inner outlets in the Zigbee group compared to a Zigbee group with just the outer outlets,

Zigbee group messages are broadcast to the entire mesh, devices supporting groups then look at the group id in the message to determine if they should respond or not. Broadcast messages are forwarded by routers.


thank you Mike. I have some zigbee outlets in a water proof enclosure outdoors. Obviously, when it rains or is foggy the signal has a harder time getting to them. I have noticed that Zigbee Group messaging, tries for a few seconds and then gives up after a while. I've got a RM rule which runs every 10 seconds to check the group status vs the switch status and resends the appropriate on or off Zigbee Group message to get all the devices in the group into the same state. I am curiously what the default timeout is for Zigbee Groups for retries. Much appreciated.

There isnโ€™t a retry as itโ€™s a broadcast message, itโ€™s a one and done.
Given the coms issues you might be better served putting these devices in a group without group messaging enabled