Zigbee issues since upgrade?

I have noticed some of my zigbee devices either not responding at all or sluggishly since recent updates, am at most current level on C7 right now.

Anyone else noting this?

One of my sengled bulbs will not work ayt al unless I cut power and back on. One of my sengled zigbee light strips will not come on at all, power off or not.

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I haven’t noticed anything different recently on my C7 hub that I update regularly with several dozen zigbee devices connected.

It seems to be my sengled devices, switches, bulbs and contacts, and the one light strip

Sometimes running "add Zigbee device" in devices helps re-add devices that might have lost their programming?

I am thinking along those lines. One odd thing, the light strip seems "dead". It might be? I hope not, just bought it this year.

Today everything is back to normal, did nothing

I'm seeing a similar issue, but I cannot get it working again.

I have turned off every device and still cannot get the water sensor included.


[] Zigbee issues since upgrading. C8 Hub. No issues prior.

I'm having lots of Zigbee devices drop out of my mesh.
I cannot get some zigbee devices to "rejoin".

I did a full rebuild of my messh, and I get the following messages in my logs:

Notice that it doesn't say which devices cannot be joined - it just says "hub".
@gopher.ny :slight_smile: Can this message be changed to indicate the device in question?

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So I am not the only one.. Do support people see this chat?

I have had several Zigbee devices drop too that have been solid for years. I'm on C5. Maybe all coincidental but interesting.......

I have submitted a warranty case to BobbyD. I have tried everything—downgraded firmware and restored it from many backups (cloud, local, and local off-hub). It seems some of the devices, but none respond. I removed 1 device water sensor from ST. I cannot re-add it. The changed channel didn't work either—unplugging the hub for 30 minutes is still no good. Zigbee is completely dead. I have tried this with C7 and the radio was disabled. Enabled and tested. The device works. for me it is only on the c8 since that is the only hub that is doing radio work.

Interesting, I have a c7 and a c8 in service. C8 does all the zwave, C7 all the zigbee. My C7 zigbee issues have been relatively minor but was rock solid until a week or so ago when updates started coming out. So, unscrewing the bulbs resets them for a day or 2, the rest are hit and miss, usually start working on their own, but I have one contact that will no longer work at all., not siure who is to blame

I turned off every device. Powered off Hub and waited... Attempted to add the device back in. It will not add but it in the graph it shows at 0000 and I can see the some logging but never adds. I attempt this with the C7. It is quick and it added easily. Responses as expected.

My devices were able to be included back into the ecosystem. I did have to include a door sensor a couple of times within a 10 minute period before it stayed connected though. This was a couple days ago. Both of my dropouts were Iris V2 or V3.

Like I mentioned, this is probably coincidental for me but am watching this thread and will come back if I have additional issues.

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Odd thing. I got those devices to work twice and then they stopped working again. Zigbee is hung up completely. Like you said I didn't do anything and they started working briefly.
Very strange! I just don't know where to go from here.

Zigbee continued to work for my other 49 Zigbee devices so it wasn't a Zigbee failure for me. The devices are still connected.

Is it safe to retore old backups, like maybe go back a week?

Restoring a backup doesn’t affect the hub firmware version, just the hub’s database of your devices, events, apps etc.

From the hub’s diagnostic tool, you can downgrade firmware versions though, which is generally a safe way to test whether it’s the firmware version itself that’s the primary issue.


I have downgraded and restored everything from 147 to 153 and the DB. I still don't have a working Zigbee. Support denied my request for a replacement (I have Hub Protection) and hasn't provided any advice yet. I have attempted to change the channel from 20 to 25,but there is, but no response from any devices.
I don't see any error messages or anything that points me in any direction, or at least that I can find. I appreciated every assistance in there here. Nothing on the Zigbee side is working for me. The radio is showing online but not communicating with anything.
I am frustrated with the situation. I don't know what changed to start this issue or what to do to resolve it.

@support-agent I have attempted turning off stuff and a bunch of other things. Any advice, please.