Zigbee/Innr bulb problems

To be clear, this is the same behavior I've always gotten, even if I power on the bulb first. It notes it's "Found a Zigbee device, initializing..." and counts down to zero and then hits zero and the status changes to "Found a Zigbee device, still initializing, please wait..." for another maybe 20 seconds and then says "Looks like you're having trouble pairing your device. Please perform a factory reset before attemptin got pair the device again. If the device still won't pair after factory reset, please review the best practices for building a solid Zigbee mesh."

This is the consistent result of all three pairing methods, and both with me pressing Start Zigbee Pairing before or after I've powered-on the factory reset bulb.

It's NOT so you had that on there about a year ago or it was on the hub when you got it maybe. Roll back to .141

Ah, good. Thanks for the correction.

I did get mail just now from innr about a firmware upgrade to their bulbs, involves a github set of stufff. Today is a busy day so I won't be working on this problem but I'll post more about that when I get time to digest it a little.

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Please let me know the details when you do, I would like to take a look.

There's the note from the mail, most of which was about sending the dead bulbs in for replacment).

For your information: The AE 280 have had a firmware update, which can also be done with a Hubitat hub. The update file for the AE 280 bulbs can be found here: zigbee-OTA/images/Innr at master · Koenkk/zigbee-OTA · GitHub

I have no idea what the "which can be done with a Hubitat hub" means. Suspect you do. :slight_smile:

It means we @mike.maxwell and he can add the files to their servers. Then when we click update on the driver it will update them. But they have to be joined first so not going to help the ones that are not connected but may stop the others from dropping.

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They are 3.0. I have about 6 of them. They have been no problem whatsoever. But I also didn’t have the different option on how to join them. That is new. I also use them with the advanced generic ZigBee bulb driver. Unless I missed something there isn’t a native driver. When I initially tried to add them, they added as something completely different,

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Thanks again. Just wanted to be clear on process/order of operation. Do I roll back to .141 and that's it, or roll back and restore my backup, or restore backup and roll back?

Just roll back to .141

Just an update - I'm in a conversation with Innr who apparently already had an issue with the Hubitat and their bulbs.

I've just rewritten all my notes into a comprehensive report on the issue, and was wondering if it might be worthwhile looping someone from Hubitat in on that email exchange?

I'll be sending the mail out later this afternoon or early evening (Pacific Time) so if there are any suggestions about their communications with Hubitat, let me know. Message me directly with an email, or for my email address.


If they're zigbee, tag @mike.maxwell . He is usually very good and amenable to working with manufacturers

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How do I tag @mike.maxwell when sending mail to someone outside this community? I'd expect to cc him in the mail I'm sending to Innr.

You tagged him here, so he'll either comment here or send you a PM for pertinent information...

This is news to me, you can pm me the details if you want.

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Done. Forwarded the mail I sent to Innr last night.


I just took a couple Innr bulbs off my hue hub and added them back to habitat last night, and they didn't give me any issues. Running on a C8 on the latest general release.

I am having the same issue.

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FWIW: I've been in communication with Innr and Hubitat and it seems like there is a firmware change in the Innr bulbs that may be a problem given the endpoint Hubitat is using to initialize the bulbs. I'm not a hardware guy, this is my base understanding and I'm not capable of responding to questions related to this. Just wanted to say the issue is live, confirmed, and I'm hopeful.

I believe this is an issue with innr's new firmware, however since the workaround was relatively straight forward on our end, platform 2.3.6 will have an update that allows these bulbs to join correctly as well as selecting the correct inbuilt driver.


Any word on when 2.3.6 will release?