Zigbee devices erratic after update

Zigbee devices erratic after update. C8. Any ideas how to fix? Had been fine in earlier releases.

You can roll back to your previous version if it's an issue. Have you done a full power cycle?

Thanks, Yes and some other thing with Zigbee.

I just installed the .125 release and, cross my fingers, it seems to be much better. I’ll do more testing tomorrow.


My Zigbee network issue seems to be resolved with the update. No problems with devices losing their state(e.g., contact sensors losing open / close and hanging). Thanks to Hubitat for jumping on issue.


Well issue still not 100% fixed. Now Zigbee contact sensors only fail 2-3 time per day vs multiple times per hour I hope Zigbee issues get fixed soon.

Since I have no idea when issues will get fixed I’ve started switching to z-wave contact sensors from ring. So far not a single issue on two doors switched to z-wave. More ring sensors ordered to get other doors reliable.

Although not related I’ve also see my google home tts device stop working overnight. A push of the initialization button on device screen will rectify it for daily use but that’s issue getting old too. Issue started with .124 release I believe. Never had a single issue with C-7 hub.

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