Zigbee button controller like the Zooz Zen34

Is anyone aware of a battery-powered zigbee button controller with the same single-gang form factor as the Zooz Zen34? I haven't been able to find one - but that could be because my Google-Fu isn't strong today :smiley:

Not the same at all but...
If you need to add a non-powered switch and then ZigBee-ify it using a battery powered device, there is the Philips Hue wall switch module. :thinking:

Just need to have enough room behind the switch to accommodate the module in the wall.

I've only been able to find a 4 button Zigbee controller:

Their presumed OEM, Nie-Tech, claims to have one, but I asked and it's really only Z-Wave. They think they could refit it for Zigbee pretty easily, but either way, they presumably have a large minimum order quantity (I'd assume thousands, perhaps more--though they did say they were "flexible"), and I can't finance that myself, as tempting as wanting one or two is.

But if anyone wants to go all-in... :slight_smile:

Other than that, I've been getting by with other devices, including the actual Zooz as well as alternatives that work well for me like Lutron Pico remotes or the SmartThings/Aeotec Zigbee button. RGBgenie had some remotes that look tempting, but still nothing quite like that...

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That's what I'm using right now. Of course, it comes with the tiniest of delays.


My rustiness comes through again. I forgot about the Fast Pico driver yesterday, but remembered it first thing this morning. Everything is well with the world!