Is anyone aware of a battery-powered zigbee button controller with the same single-gang form factor as the Zooz Zen34? I haven't been able to find one - but that could be because my Google-Fu isn't strong today
Not the same at all but...
If you need to add a non-powered switch and then ZigBee-ify it using a battery powered device, there is the Philips Hue wall switch module.
Just need to have enough room behind the switch to accommodate the module in the wall.
I've only been able to find a 4 button Zigbee controller:
Their presumed OEM, Nie-Tech, claims to have one, but I asked and it's really only Z-Wave. They think they could refit it for Zigbee pretty easily, but either way, they presumably have a large minimum order quantity (I'd assume thousands, perhaps more--though they did say they were "flexible"), and I can't finance that myself, as tempting as wanting one or two is.
But if anyone wants to go all-in...
Other than that, I've been getting by with other devices, including the actual Zooz as well as alternatives that work well for me like Lutron Pico remotes or the SmartThings/Aeotec Zigbee button. RGBgenie had some remotes that look tempting, but still nothing quite like that...
That's what I'm using right now. Of course, it comes with the tiniest of delays.
My rustiness comes through again. I forgot about the Fast Pico driver yesterday, but remembered it first thing this morning. Everything is well with the world!