Zigbee bulb works, partially (won't go off)

Dear HE(LP) community, :stuck_out_tongue:
(This post might also help other starters, see below).

I'm new to hubitat and the community but already love it! But I could use some help..

Hubitat: Rev C-7 /
Product: Tuya Zigbee RGBCW bulb.
The problem: on/off doesn't work.

Hubitat recognized this bulb as a Advanced Zigbee CT bulb, so I needed to change that driver.

Advanced zigbee RGBW driver:

  • Configure: no (visual) reaction from the bulb.
  • Cannot select: temperature/hue/on/off

Advanced zigbee RGB driver:

  • Configure: bulb flashes, seems to work.
  • Cannot select: set color/off

Advanced zigbee bulb & CT:

  • only 'Set level' works (and doesn't have any color options).

The weird thing is: when I press Flash (the light flashes) and if I then press Off it goes out. So it knows the command but only in that combination.

I've got one main question:
How do I get this to work or how do I troubleshoot this?

I could make a rule which says "Set level to 0", but this not preferable. I just want to use the dashboard "color bulb" tile.

What I've learned:

Make sure you have a good zigbee mesh.
Start adding (external powered) devices nearest to the hub and build outwards.
This doesn't include bulbs! (see below why).
Once all the powered devices have been placed you can connect your wireless devices.

ALWAYS connect a device from its final location.
Don't go near an hub or repeater to connect it and then move it to somewhere else.
When you relocate a device it can take some time/days to settle the (new) mesh network,
OR you could reset your hub for 20 min.

When ever you switch drivers make sure you:
Press "Save device"
Reload page and press "configure" :exclamation:

Most zigbee bulbs have repeaters in them which sound great, but isn't. It can mess up your zigbee-mesh when you physically turn them on/off.

Sengled bulbs doesn't have a repeater which makes them more stable/reliable. (going to buy these in the near future).

Other drivers I tried:

  • Gerenic zigbee (doesn't work)
  • Sengled (doesn't work)

Thanks in advance,

Sounds real similar to:

Hi Thebearmay,

  • If you go to the device page and press Flash (the bulb should be flashing) and then press Off, does that work? im curious if it even reacts to the Off command..
  • On which driver is it now?
  • Have you tried any other drivers? You can do that by going to:
    Devices > Choose your Bulb > (scroll down to 'Device information') Type > Change driver.

When ever you switch drivers make sure you:
Press "Save device"
and press "configure"

I'd suggest try any driver with the words Zigbee and Bulb/Dimmer in it, and see what works or not.
Starting with the Advanded Zigbee and Generic drivers..

Im a newbie too but hopefully I can steer you in the right direction,
Goodluck :slight_smile:

First off :joy:. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. @thebearmay posted a link to a similar topic, not his post.
Second thing is that I’m pretty sure these aren’t compatible with Hubitat. A quick search of the forum revealed no positive association with these working out of the box, although I saw some mention of flashing the bulb’s firmware which is out of my league (or just sounds tiresome).
I would suggest sticking to the list of compatible devices.
Edit: you may be able to join these to a Hue bridge if you have one.


okay, that was stupid of me :sweat_smile: but funny :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

"I’m pretty sure these aren’t compatible with Hubitat" but all the functions work in Hubitat, some in the wrong order. So it could be made workable? if you ask me..
"flashing the bulb’s firmware" isnt that only for Wifi devices (for trying to make them work locally)?

I've played a bit more with the settings and it seems it doesnt see the White LED in the bulb.. :thinking:

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No idea, I just skimmed.

If they can join a Hue bridge and work properly, that will still be local. I imagine they implement color similar to Hue. Maybe @mike.maxwell knows/has time to chime in.

BTW, welcome to the community. I always appreciate someone with a sense of humor.

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First of all: RGBCW is the same as RGBWW, and apparently you need an RGBW driver for that.

The way HE detects the light bulb (Advanced Zigbee CT Bulb) was wrong, by switching the driver to Generic Zigbee RGBW Light and tinker with all the manual settings I got it to work.

Okay, I've got it working now, but I don't know why.

I decided to try out all the RGBW drivers one last time.
When I came at the Gerenic Zigbee RGBW driver it didn't worked well, only SetHue en SetLevel worked if I put in a value (manually). But after i kept on putting in values in all the different commands it slowly began to work. As if the hub is learning..(?!)

And guess what? All the controls in my dashboard works fine now! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Thanks for welcoming me and trying to help :slight_smile: Some how it works perfectly now :+1:t2:

I’ve never heard of that happening, but good for you that it did. I wouldn’t run to buy more just yet though.

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Sorry if I missed it in the thread, but perhaps what happened is you pressed the Configure button. It what you should do anytime you change drivers and then save. The Configure button sends the driver parameters to the device. If you change drivers and don't press Configure, then the new driver (even if compatible) either won't work, or won't work correctly.

Welcome, and enjoy your new hub.


Yes, that is very important! I've described that in my first post :wink: Maybe it just took a long time loading the parameters? Still strange as other users say its quite quick..

Anyhoo, so far I'm really enjoying it. Thanks for helping :slight_smile:

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Just wanted to add my experience, maybe some future newbie find it usefull:

I have a 'Tuya Zigbee RGB Ledstrip Controller' which was recognized as a 'Advanced Zigbee RGB' driver. Everything worked fine except for the color wheel. No big issue, but still annoying that I couldn't control it as it should in the dashboard.

So I've switched it to 'Generic Zigbee RGB' driver. Pressed Configure, and same thing again: I can control Flash, Hue and Level, but I cant use the Color wheel, Off or On (unless I first press Flash and then On/Off, see original post).
So I've tinkered again with all the settings, pressed a couple of times Save Preference/Configure..
..And know it works just perfect. from the color wheel to the On and Off buttons, everything works! :grin:

Just a bit annoyed that I don't have a clear answer why.
Does it take some time to configure? Do you have to Configure it a couple of times? Is it because I pressed Saved preference? Or filled in all the Commands and manually activated them?

Ahh well, it works now and it works GREAT! :sunglasses:

Ok so it's been a while so I'm not sure if anyone will see this but I bought one of these because it was cheap to test it out. I tried most of the drivers with most of the same issues above until I found the Generic Zigbee RGBW driver in the list, so far, it works perfectly and I can set the colour temperature or the colour from the wheel. I haven't tried it on the dashboard yet and the colours from the wheel are quite dull (I rekon 400 lumens max) but the CT mode is quite bright and looks good.

Don't now if it'll keep working but it's a pretty good bulb for $20AUD.