I recently picked up a lovely table lamp on Amazon that perfectly fits the decor I’m going for. The one caveat is that it’s a touch lamp with 3 brightness settings, rather than a traditional on-off lamp. I have some Ledvance SMART+ RGBW bulbs, but they didn’t tolerate the fixture at all; even on its maximum brightness mode, the bulb buzzed and went into pairing mode thinking the dimming circuitry was a reset.
The lamp was not terribly expensive, so my heart won’t be broken if it just won’t work, but before I give up on it I was wondering if anyone knew of any RGBW bulbs that were more tolerant of living on a dimmer circuit. I don’t intend to actually use the dimming feature of the lamp at all, but there’s no way to bypass it.
No I would say with dam near certainty that there won't be one that exists. There is just not use case for the expense to make one the "drivers" they use in these lamps are noisy and cheap as it is, squeezing them in.
You may be able to bypass the lamp control though and make the lamp permanently on?
You can always remove the base of the lamp and disconnect the touch unit and simply hard wire the socket. This won't destroy the value of the lamp. You can always put the wire back later.
Update, I was able to get the base off at the bottom. It was paper and got ruined, but you can’t really see it when the lamp is on a table. Pretty pleased with the result.
Glad it worked out. You might look at a Lifx bulb for that instead, they're much better looking, color accurate, and brighter. LIFX Color E26 1-Pack (800 Lumens)