Zigbee and zwave radio frequencies

Some quick clarity needed:

I have 3 hubs (2 C8's, 1 c7) and I just bought a C8 pro.

If all are running with zigbee and zwave radios (i.e. radios not turned off) shouldn't I be worried about channels - ensure i'm running on different channels to avoid the same zigbee or zwave signal collision ?


Z-Wave has a single frequency for a particular geographical region, eg. North America (US/CA/MX), or EU, AU, etc.

Zigbee - you can have a range of channels within a fairly narrow frequency band. It is common practice to choose distinct channels for each coordinator. With that said, I have heard of installations with multiple coordinators using the same channel with no issue.

Personally, I run one zigbee coordinator on channel 20, and one on channel 15. Both these channels are also far away from my 2.4 GHz WiFi channels (1 & 6 - with 20 MHz bandwidth). I've had no zigbee issues that I know of.