Zigbee 3.0 button controller $8.88 USD at home Depot, includes cct bulb

What do you mean by bulb battery life? Do you mean remote? How are you getting that?

I have one of the remotes connected to my ST hub and it reported battery level as 196% originally and now says 198% so obviously wrong. According to a long thread on ST community forums, they are close to having a device handler for it. If that works, I'm hoping to connect some of the ones I have to HE using HubConnect.

does the remote connect directly to ST or does it connect through a light like in HE?

It pairs to the ST hub and I was able to get sporadic entries in the logs of a button push but not usable. One of the SmartThings engineers on their community site has said there will be a Device Handler available sometime after the holidays that will "not have any 3rd party dependencies".

Just went through that thread - he also says that it will work like the Ikea button. Reading his posts and Ikea button driver it seems the remote will need to be associated to a bulb, which means that we will need to keep the bulbs on the ST network, The whole reason of going to HE was to get out of ST unreliability and lights are 75% of my system, feels like going backwards, unless HE and ST hub to hub thing can run totally local, haven't used that so don't know.

Doesn't look like these remotes can work independently other than using the mqtt solution. Like you I am not too keen on another complex component in the system, already have homebridge but dont want to add more load to that PI. I hope I am wrong and we can use ST Hub, just for remotes though don't know how we get the hub to listen to remotes without a zigbee mesh in the house.

I don't know anything about the Ikea button but I hope that is not the case that the bulbs would have to be paired to the ST hub. At this point, I am happy about what I have already gotten (more bulbs than I care to admit to buying) and a remote controlling them in the most important spot while also allowing control from HE for a great price. If the ST DTH works independently, then awesome! If not, who wants to buy 6, er I mean 9, ok 12 remotes (light bulbs not included).

yeah I am in the same boat - the bulbs are nice, lets hope for the best.

I got 15, have replaced older bulbs and using them without remotes. I am using 3 remotes in the master and happy controlling all lights with its.

In another room which is not used often I associated 2 lights with a remote and am keeping that room standalone, i.e not connected to HE.

I tried over and over and can't get remote on the hue hub, @bertabcd1234 seems to have done it, but I wonder if he has V1.0 remote or something different. I thought I had it working once, but the remote had just stolen the bulb from hue.

10 minutes ago, someone asked the exact question that you and I are wondering on the ST forum. Without linking to the ST Forum again, the question was:

"Will this run standalone, i.e. could we use the remote to control anything, or will it need to be touchlinked to a ecosmart bulb and only control one or more bulb?"

yeah that was me :slight_smile:

That's funny! I suspected that but I didn't see any similarities in your 2 nicknames "anisk" to "k2man" so I quoted your post from ST forum.

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hi can you share the fingerprint you used with this - I want to play around with it in ST - not sure how to get the zigbee fingerprint

Here's the info I captured when I paired one to my HE hub:

Manufacturer: LDS
Product Name:
Model Number: ZBT-CCTSwitch-D0001
deviceTypeId: 113
manufacturer : LDS
idAsInt : 1
inClusters : 0000,0001,0003,1000,FD01
endpointId : 01
profileId : 0104
application : 02
outClusters : 0003,0004,0006,0008,0019,0300,1000
initialized : true
model : ZBT-CCTSwitch-D0001
stage : 4
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FYI, this will possibly be supported out of the box early next year on ST:

I just got the Lutron Pro Hub, 4 Picos, 2 Eria Dimmers & one ST Button for Xmas so all of this waiting for an ST DTH is probably moot.

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The Eria dimmer I have is zigbee, and pairs with HE fine. Not using the dimmer, but the on/off works.

When paired to Hubitat, the Eria remote/dimmer isn't really a "dimmer"--it's just a button device you can use and assign any action(s) to whatever button events it generates. Because it's engraved this way, the most logical thing might be:

  • Button 1 pushed: on
  • Button 2 pushed: dim up (+10-20%, maybe?)
  • Button 3 pushed: dim down (-10-20%, maybe?)
  • Button 4 pushed: off

and if your lights support it:

  • Button 2 held: startLevelChange(up) ("Start raising dimmers" in Rule Machine/Button Controller)
  • Button 3 held: startLevelChange(down) ("Start lowering dimmers")
  • Button 2 or 3 released: stopLevelChange() ("Stop raising/lowering dimmers")

...or something along these lines.

So, I'm not exactly sure what you mean. The alternative would be Touch Linking it with a bulb (with or without Hubitat, a Hue Bridge, or similar), in which case the buttons would be assigned their pre-determined functions--as they are for the remote in the original post (am I back on topic now?). In any case, I'm glad you have something working. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the tip, got 21 at my local HD for 4 bucks a pop. Paired to hue bridge great and works fantastic. Came from osram lighify white and ct bulbs and these are light years better. Faster and dim way lower. I really only was hoping for dimming lower than lightify (1 percent was equal to like 50 percent realistically.) but these babies dim really low and have better brightness. Anyways for anyone still on the fence, go to HD site and look for inventory near you and go for it. These are the best CT bulbs I’ve tried besides hue and 7 times cheaper. Also I have 21 remotes now :joy: so there’s that. Really feel like solid little things and I love the magnetic wall mount.

I have 4 directly paired to Hubitat. So far so good. I do notice that they are slow to come on at low dim levels. I need mess with them at low levels to see if it is the bulb or automation.

The remote works is you want to setup Zigbee2MQTT and @mbafford driver

Has anyone that has paired these bulbs to Hue hub been able to touchlink the remotes to the bulbs after getting them into Hue?

I know I can't deal with the remotes in HE really to make use of them but would be happy enough to just have them work with the bulbs or group of bulbs and still be able to have the bulbs in HE.

I am able to touchlink a LCBR to other bulbs so I familiar with the process but just can't get it with this remote that came with these bulbs (I have 13 of them so far).


I was able to do this with ST. The box does say you can only use the remote or the hub, not both at once. I would suspect this is because you can't pair the remote to the Hue Bridge. In ST, I paired the bulb to ST then the remote to ST then the remote to the bulb and it is working from both. However, if you turn the butb off by the remote, then on by the hub, to turn the bulb off by the remote again, you will have to hit the power button twice because the remote will be out of sync with the bulb.