Zigbe generic switch with presence constantly reporting

I have now successfully paired and am using several of the Sonoff S26R22ZBTPG plugs using the zigbe generic switch with presence driver, All is working well and I am impressed with the plugs at the price.
However I have a concern that the plugs report on the logs page every 10 seconds their on/off status. Is this normal or should I be changing a setting to reduce the number of messages on the logs page.

Go to the device page and turn down the reporting to like once ever 5 or 10 mins.. Otherwise your mesh will get overwhelmed

do you mean the sonoff device, I have looked all over the devices the parent and the child devices and cannot see a reporting option

Why not use the built-in "Generic Zigbee Outlet" driver with this device? If you do switch to the built-in driver, be sure to click "Configure" on the device page after changing drivers.

Tried that one and cannot get it to work. I can turn the switch on and off using the button on the plug and it shows on the dashboard as on and off correctly. But will not turn on or off from dashboard or work in a basic rule