Zen32 Smart Bulb Mode (C7 on latest Software)

I have a zen32 in smart bulb mode wired to a ceiling fan. I then use Bond to control the ceilinng fan light and speed. Yesterday the ceiling fan stopped working, as if it wasnt getting power. The Zen32 is powered, I can see the button presses in hubitats logs, the rule fires and Bond reflects a change in status. The fan doesn't respond.

Is it possible that the zen32 got in some weird state where its not passing power to the fan? I would usually try pulling the air gap to reset the switch but I dont see one on the zen32. I suppose I can trip the breaker for that.

I am hoping for some troubleshooting ideas before I rip out the zen32 and replace with the spare that I have.

Shouldn't happen with smart bulb mode, but have you verified that the switch/relay just didn't get turned off? Check the device detail page and the value of the "switch" attribute to be sure, or run the "on" command from there to be extra-sure (if you don't have Z-Wave control disabled, in which case this shouldn't do anything--but otherwise it might).

You may also want to check the value of parameter 19, the smart bulb mode or local and remote protection parameter. How this shows up will depend on the driver you're using, so sharing that information will be helpful for further troubleshooting if you need it.

I also use a Z32 to control my ceiling fan via Bond.

Is there a reason you are using SBM instead of just directly wiring the line hot straight to the fan?

I opted to directly wire that line hot thru to the fan and just pigtailed the hot & neutral to my Z32 so that it just acts like a scene controller for my fan's Bond integration.

I don't know if the Z32 is rated to pass power to a fan motor, so I wonder if that's possibly causing an issue for you.

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When we discovered this the switch was reporting to off and I have only had physical control off. I turned the switch on toggled sbm over to physical and zwave controll off. The switch is currently showing as on and there is no change at the fan.

Its been a while since I installed the switch but two reasons come to mind. 1) replacing a switch is in my wheel house but directly wiring the line hot is not something I am familiar with (I could probably figure it out). 2) the box is already very crowded with three loads coming into a double gang box.

I would second this. Specs https://www.z-wave.com/shop-z-wave-smart-home-products/zooz-700-series-z-wave-plus-scene-controller-zen32

Not sure what a normal ceiling fan is, but it is only made to handle 3 amps max.

Normal ceiling fans are only 0.5-1a.

That said it is an inductive load, and I'm not sure the ZEN32 is rated for those (didn't check).

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When I wired it up I asked here and zooz replied that it “should “ be fine.

I just looked at the specs. I would have said the same thing - looks like it is rated for the service you are putting it in.

Toggle the breaker and the zen32 is back working as normal.

Oh yeah, that will happen sometimes. Has not happened to me in a long time though.
If your zen32 is not on current firmware, updating it may help if it was a firmware bug.

Also, some people have reported power issues causing a lock up, possibly the fan experienced some sort of anomaly and caused the switch to lock up. Light bulbs are fairly predictable but motors can cause all sort of fluctuations.