ZEN32 Custom Driver Confusion

Recently I assigned @bertabcd1234 custom driver to one of ZEN32 Scene Controller because this
driver allows to decouple Button-5 from controlling the internal relay. This works just fine, and Thank You. However this driver creates enormous amount of buttons allowing up to 5 clicks for each button. I understand, this could be useful for somebody but in my case even using double taps is absolutely not allowed and Held function is not very welcome.
It is what it is and I am not asking to for any changes to the driver. I am very confused how physical actions are mapped to all these buttons. Here is what I am seeing in Button Controller app:

And here is a description how Buttons are mapped:

  • Single taps, hold, and release:
    • base button number pushed, held, and released events
  • Multi-taps:
    • mathematically, a pushed event for button number = (base button number) + (5 * (number of taps - 1))
      ... or specifically:
  • * "button 1" taps: button 1, 6, 11, 16, or 21 pushed (taps 1-5)
  • * "button 2" taps: button 2, 7, 12, 17, or 22 pushed (taps 1-5)
  • * "button 3" taps: button 3, 8, 13, 18, or 23 pushed (taps 1-5)
  • * "button 4" taps: button 4, 9, 14, 19, or 24 pushed (taps 1-5)
  • * "button 5" taps: button 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25 pushed (taps 1-5)

It is somewhat clear how all these multi-taps are mapped to the physical buttons 6 to 25 Pushed events. But it is absolutely unclear what physical action will generate say, Button-6 Held event?

Nothing. Held and release only make sense for the "base" button numbers, buttons 1-5.

There is simply nothing in Hubitat's button model to note that different button numbers may have different capabilities; the same is assumed for all. But all you can get with the rest is "pushed."

First of all - Thank You for the quick response.
This is what I though myself but just wanted to hear a solid confirmation.
But what I can tell you - this is very confusing not only for non technical users but even my EE brain worked very hard trying to clearly understand what I was seeing.

I'm open to other ideas, but given that all button numbers have to have the same capabilities, I'm not sure what else I could do. :smiley: (At least not while using "standard" button events, which is my goal.)

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Thank you very much for being flexible but unfortunately I don't have any fruitful ideas at all. Long time ago my wife requested NOT to use anything other than just a plain single push. And for this reason I have to program Held the same way as Push because sometime Push becomes Held. Another problem with all these multi-buttons controllers is lack of Button Labeling. For this labeling reason I started to use Sonoff NSPanels (DIY modified for HA integration). These updates are very appreciated by my wife.

There is a custom engraving option available for the Z32 (scroll down that page), but it ain't cheap. I just use my trusty ol' Brother label maker - it works good enough for us :slight_smile:

I know about this possibility. But:

  • the price for this custom engraved buttons is even higher than for the ZEN32 itself;
  • the functions for the Buttons are not permanent, once in a while I am reprogramming buttons
    for different functions;
    The above statements makes these custom engraved buttons absolutely useless option.

This option was rejected by my wife.

Me too. Using the 6 mm clear tape it looks pretty professional, actually.

i did this and it looks pretty ok.. with that being said, i started to memorize what they did, and i could prob end up peeling them off and not knowing.

In my case everything is near 100% automated. All buttons are used rarely and therefore it is near impossible to memorize what each button is for. This is specifically true for the multi-button controllers. So, labeling is very important and basically a must.