If I am not mistaken ZEN-16 cannot report Switch Input Status when/if
Switch Input is decoupled from the correspondent Relay.
So, if Relay Control is Disabled from for the correspondent Switch Input
these Switch Inputs are completely useless.
ZEN-16 I ordered (blindly thinking I can use Relays and Inputs separately)
has latest 1.04 firmware.
Am I right or I am missing somet5hing?
And a I have a related question.
I am looking for the Zigbee/ZWave (or whatever else is compatible with HE)
device which has 3 Relays (will be used for 24VDC control) and at least
1 input compatible with Dry Contact Sensor. Preferred power input is 24VDC.
Currently I am using ZEN-17 but I need one more Relay output.
That's basically correct. When you do not want the inputs to directly control the outputs, you can really only use one or the other. So the ZEN16 has essentially 3 independent device connections, not 6. The ZEN17 was introduced later and does not have this limitation, although it's at the expense of one input/output pair.
Your best bet is to use two ZEN16 or ZEN17 devices, or one of each.
Well, If I cannot find a single device with 3 Relays plus at least 1 Contac Sensor
input I will simple add to my current setup (ZEN-17) extra dry contact relay.
Of course one single device is very preferable.
I am EE.
I will never design something like ZEN-16.
ZEN-16 has an option to disable direct relay control.
So, why hot to report Switch Input status separately?
This is very bad engineering decision unless this is
real ZWave Chip limitation.
I don't know... for +/- $25, I think it's a pretty useful device... even with its shortcomings. Even if you buy two of them, you're still likely half the cost of any UL listed alternatives.