So - I have one of these 4-way switches, and a while ago I was having trouble getting it to initialise at all - an upgrade to a C-8 seems to have dealt with that, but then the device (including the child devices) would work exactly as expected for a short while (say around 10min) then seemingly disappear from view - they worked locally, but the hub could no longer communicate with them. So I upgraded to the "Ver. 1.1.0 2024-05-02" driver, and now they still initialise properly (in particular for example I can set the switch type to momentary, which is not the reset default), but even though the child devices are created, they do nothing. Unfortunately I didn't keep track of with which driver version the switches were working for a short time.
Two questions:
- What logs/debug would be useful for debugging this behaviour?
- Any recommendations for a specific brand of 4-way switch that's known to work as expected?