Yesterday I added the blinds to my sharptools and to the Hub DB and I notice only 1 of my blinds when it's open or close, the dashboard shows it's open or closed, but I notice with my other blinds that use the zemismart zigbee blind driver, I notice they report close even when the blinds are open so the dashboard just shows it as "closed" all the time.
I looked at the device and I confirmed it's coming from there but I can't figure out if I should be able to fix this on my own or is this a bug?
My window is open to 50% right now but it's reporting closed
I suppose the problems with your device are due to not using the latest Zemsismart Zigbee Blind driver version - please make sure it is updated to 3.3.0 (2022-12-30) - the download link is here.
Please post your device model/manufacturer details as seen in the Data section - there are many different shade/blind/curtain/motor controllers and devices, all these using "Zemismart" white label.
Even if you don't plan to use Hubitat dashboard, make a test blinds dashboard and include your devices. The blinds must operate correctly from HE dashboard first, then most probably they will work OK using SharpTools dashboard as well.