Zemismart / Tuya WiFi Blind Motor + HE

Not yet, I keep finding new ways to distract myself with my 3D printer ... I really must pull my head in today and do some actual work (the job that pays the bills etc), working from home is a curse sometimes! :man_facepalming:

Quick question from a noob...
Why are you flashing and modding the motors when there is a solution without this? It seems like a lot of effort and risk of damage for what? The gain of being able to control them locally, is that it?
Thanks from a noob :slight_smile:

If TUYA ever decides to charge for their services we aren't held prisoner - and you cant control TUYA devices with HE as it currently stands.

Plus Cloud systems hosted in China, I'm keen to not be tied to that.

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If your referring to the wifi exploit to reflash Tuya devices this no longer works for the new firmware that is used in these devices, so serially reflashing the ESP chip is now the only option.

If you mean why bother at all and just use the device as is, DJOS has given excellent reasons as to why this is not desirable.

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Got it working finally, had to update firmware in motors to latest tasmota and then re-add them as generic dimmers.

Also had to go back into device config and set it back to custom template as the process of adding it to HE changes the config to an MCU device with the wrong serial ports specified.

Also had to send 'LedTable=0' command in device console to get rid of dimmer gamma correction which makes the slider adjustment non-linear, which is fine for a dimmer but no good for motor positioning.

The only thing left to figure out now is what to do about the on/off toggle as the device cannot be set to zero as this turns off the switch and the motor doesn't move.

Ideally this should be done in firmware so as the switch has no bearing on the motor drive, in this way it would drive to zero point.

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I need to put a wooden blind on a window, I cannot import in from USA via Amazon but I can easily order it from Ali express. Please advise which Blind is compatible with HE ?


Is there a Driver for These Blinds? how do you use it with hubitat?
Edit: Nevermind, i used a dimmer to control it, however, i believe this device can do more... is there a tutorial on how to make a driver? or can someone look into this?

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I use this for mine.

so no driver for the zemismart wifi blinds motor?