I am having some issues with my z wave garage door controller, the rule I have is for it to open when I get within a geofence but seems to only work half the time. This controller along with a repeater are the only z wave devices being used and the controller is about 10m from the hub with 2 brick walls in between and repeater in the middle.
Is there a way to see how the mesh is going/how strong it is and to make sure the repeater is doing its job?
Currently, only with third-party tools. I have a Z-wave toolbox that I use for this purpose. You could also get a z-wave stick and use SiLabs PC Controller.
Yeah I was looking at that toolbox, but $150 just to test one device is a bit more than I want to spend. Was hoping there was simpler way like did with my zigbee devices
Agree 100%. The PC Controller approach is much cheaper. The software is free and a z-wave USB dongle can be had for $30-40. PC Controller is also more powerful than ZWT. The convenience of ZWT is its easy portability ..... but most people don't need that.
I am not sure about "easier" but the cheaper option I think @aaiyar was referring to is below. I also bought the ZWT, so do not need this, but it looks very interesting.