Z-wave transmitter appears to fail daily

No. Local backups only.

Nothing unusual in either of those logs.

After at least 12 active hours since last hub reboot, lets see the Logs > Devices Stats screen. Just the top page when scrolled to the top using the default sort. Screenshot, turn on all columns and show the full page including headers and stats at top.

Also, at the same time, lets see the entire z-wave details page. You will need multiple screenshots or a scrolling capture.

Check over this info as well:

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Here you go...

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You have one ghost (98) that should be removed.

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Looks like it!

@user4578 , since the ghost only has one neighbor, you have a good chance of removing it using the hub's built-in Ghost Removal tools...

Do this...

Ok, 98 has been removed. Should I power down or reboot?

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For giggle I would do a power down, unplug power for 2 mins and power back up.

Wilco, and thanks.

On the Logs > Device States, I wanted ALL the columns selected/enabled, to see all the info.
How many ZEN25 do you have?

The device named "ZEN25" and the AE78_Dryer have higher route changes, could be nothing but could be a sign of some issues.

Please use the "MCP" driver from this package on the ZEN25: [DRIVER] Zooz Smart Plugs Advanced (ZEN04, ZEN05, ZEN14, ZEN15, ZEN20, ZEN25)

Set the settings NO LOWER than the defaults I have set in there. These are higher than the original factory defaults because Zooz had them insanely low, and they actually gave me some guidance on better defaults to use in the driver. If there is a metric you are not really using, either disable it or set it as high as it can go.

There is one Zen25 device. It has left and right sockets. I am using the Zooz Double Plug driver with all reporting except Power disabled. Power is set to report once per minute. I will try the suggested driver and settings. I had tried several drivers and the Zooz Double Plug was the only one that seemed to work correctly, but perhaps your suggested driver is one I didn't try.

AE78_Dryer really only works as a switch, not a power reporting device. No drivers I've try seem to work well.

Here are all the columns...

That ZEN25 driver I linked above is my creation and I can assure you it works perfectly (I have two of them I tested it on). The ZEN25 historically was deemed a "mesh killer" but I have never had any issues with it using moderate reporting. I would try dialing the reporting back some, do you really need it every minute or would it work to have it set on a threshold so that if the power changes by X watts it sends a report? Sort of depends on what is connected to it and what you are using the data for.

For the AE78, it should work with my standard plug driver (in the same package as the ZEN25 driver) and get you metering. Can you show me the "Data" from the bottom of the device page on that on, I want to look up all the settings it has available. It does seem like it must not be too chatty though, it is not even on the top section of the device stats.

I've been using time as the report trigger for almost all of the devices tat report power usage because using a watt value or percentage made the devices randomly "chatty". Most other power devices are set at 30 seconds. The data is send to another application via POSTs which publishes over UDP to various monitors.

Heres the Ae78 data ...

I tried the driver with the ZEN25. It created three new children - Zooz Double Plug - Outlet 1, Zooz Double Plug - Outlet 2, Zooz Double Plug - Outlet 3. The Zen25 double plug only has two outlets.

The existing children no longer update power or switch position.

I cannot see power individually, only for the complete device.

I also tried the driver with the Ae78. It no long responds to On/Off commands and doesn't display power.

I returned to the original drivers. I will likely replace the ZEN25 with two 3rd Reality Zigbee devices in the future.

Anyway, thanks for your help. So far the C8 has not displayed the original problem with the Z-Wave transmissions.


Sounds like you used the standard driver on the ZEN25 and not the "MCP" driver. With the correct driver you get the power on the child devices. The 3rd child is for the charging state of the USB port.

It also tries to find the existing child devices and I think if you use the correct driver it will link up the existing child devices instead of creating new ones.

This is the driver I received when I used HPM from the link
Screen Shot 2024-07-18 at 7.10.15 AM

Screen Shot 2024-07-18 at 7.14.24 AM

Was that not the correct package name?

Its the correct package but it has two drivers in it.
ZEN25 needs the MCP driver (multi channel power)


Ok. Perhaps I am not using HPM correctly.

I manually installed the MCP driver and am waiting to see if the "5 pending changes" will clear up and selecting "Configure". Perhaps I need to go get the ZEN25 from the garage and put it closer to the C8.


The other curious thing is that the new children show a different base DNI than the parent.

HPM would have asked which optional drivers to install, you did not select the MCP driver.

You made a mess of things by using the incorrect driver the first time.

You could use this driver to manually remove the incorrect new child device: [RELEASE] Z-Wave Universal Device Scanner

Then my driver (the correct one) should pick up the existing childs and use those from there.