Z-Wave switch did not turn on

I have an Aeotec Heavy Duty Z-Wave switch that controls my hot water heater. I have a Rule Machine rule that turns it off at 3 PM and on again at 6 PM. Everything has been working fine until today when the switch didn't turn on. App logs show that the rule ran and "on" command was sent (2024-09-04 06:00:00.545 PM Action: On: Hot Water Heater), so I have to assume that the switch never received the command (the switch is located several feet from my HE hub so distance is not an issue). Can I force a handshake where HE sends the command and if no ACK is received then send it again?

You could monitor the status in the rule so when the on rule runs, if within 5 mins status doesn't show as on the rule repeats until it is. (I would also throw a notification in there at x:xx if it's off you get notified)