Z Wave stops working overnight

So to remove the ghost device it's best if you know what device failed when you were pairing it. If you can identify that device, disconnect it from power (so it can't be pinged). Shut down the hub from the settings menu. Unplug at the wall for 5 mins (not the hub itself) and power back up. Go to your z-wave settings table, click refresh on the ghost line and eventually a remove button will appear. Click it. If nothing happens, wait a minute or two, a force remove dialog will appear. Click it. Repeat shutdown procedure I outlined above. As to the correlation of installing HPM, there isn't any causation of the z-wave issue. Coincidental timing is all. Now installing an app that was actively trying to tag the device that ghosted could have brought the issue to light.

Ghost devices are landmines just waiting for the hub to try routing something through them. Until that happens there are little to no symptoms, but once a route has been established through them they cause traffic backups and packet resends that eventually overwhelm the mesh.

Thanks for the help. I have tried your method above and found that 5 ghost devices will not remove. Here are screen snaps of these;


After clicking on the remove button, i never get the force remove dialog you refered to.

Great knowledge. I suspect that installing HPM probably triggered some update that caused this to start. So HPM is not directly, but started a series of changes / events that did.

So much to learn....

hit refresh on those lines till the remove button comes up.

A thread that may be of interest if all else fails:

roger that. i have done that and when i get the remove button it does nothing. I do see that the browser session goes through a refresh, but no dialog.

THe first image (device 0F) shows NOT RESPONDING after i click the refresh.

As painful as it sounds, you may want to shutdown the hub and unplug it from the for about 30 seconds after you get the return from the Remove - seems to help sometimes...

You also need to power down the device that made the ghost otherwise it's still pingable and you won't get the remove button

Check. i did that as well, but the devices are still in the list.

Power down the devices taht created these ghost. i am certain i dont which ones they are, and i am not sure i even know how to discover which devices.

Would it be logical to perhaps assume that it is likely one that is in the working list close in hex value? for example, for the x0F device, perhaps device x10 or x11 is the likely working target?

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No... If you can power down all your z-wave devices then you achieve the same thing in being able to remove the ghosts. Otherwise you will need to pair a z-wave stick as a secondary controller and do it through that.

Yes. As long as the hub is able to ping the ghost device (responding as the real device), you won’t be able to remove without USB stick. Hope that you can find the real device and power it down, hit refresh.

There is also the aluminum foil method - temporarily shield the hub using a metal cover (large skillet lid) or aluminum foil to block all signals to/from the hub for a short time period while hitting the Refresh button.

i like this idea.... I feel like i may need to also add some foil around my head...


I seem to recall a creative solution last summer where a user got in his car with a UPS and the hub and a laptop and drove away from his house, so no Z-Wave in range.


i have powered off all devices, put faraday cages around items and wrapped the c7 in foil. i still get the same results when deleting the above listed devices. All four are still in the list.

I also have this entry in the log;
sys:12021-04-20 13:25:30.141 Z-Wave Network responded with Busy message.

If you turned off all z-wave devices (actually disconnected the power) Do the reboot procedure I oulined above, then continually hit refresh on the ghost line till the remove button comes up. The only other options are to take it to another location where there is no signal at all or use the seperate z-wave stick

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Thanks. The Remove button appears immediately on three of the items. But when i click the Remove button, the browser whirls busy for abt 30 seconds and then refreshes the page. the items are still there.

And i restarted the c7 after each attempt. No luck.

THe first object is different. It shows NOT RESPONDING and never exposes a Remove button

And what does the Log entry posted above mean;
"Z-Wave Network responded with Busy message"?