Z-Wave Sniffing, Zniffing And You: A Guide To Pulling Packets From Thin Air

Thanks @codahq.
Received my UZB today from Mouser (No tariff surcharge).
Fired right up.

Couple of notes:
I had to down load a SDK from Silicon Labs before they would let me download "Z-Wave Programmer" and "Z-Wave Zniffer"
Took two tries to flash the stick.
The program I needed to run was ZWaveZnifferUI.exe
My path:
"E:\Program Files (x86)\Sigma Designs\Z-Wave Zniffer 4 Secured\ZWaveZnifferUI.exe"
Just trying to make it even easier for the next person.
Thanks again!


Very cool thanks all for the instructions - device arrived today and am up an zniffing away!! wooooooooo.. :man_dancing:

I notice some routing and crc errors. So what do I do next?

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Yikes. 1st thing you need to do is figure out what device(s) are forcing your mesh to just 9.6kb speed and throw it/them in the trash.

Unless I'm reading that wrong (which is very possible as my sniffer works/looks a little different than this one).


How do I correlate this report with devices on HE?

Source and destination addresses should match up with the device numbers shown on the HE zwave details page.

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Wow... definitely some older devices in that network... time to find and trash.

Thanks forgot about the Z-Wave details page.. am looking into now. Likely THIS is the cause of my issues.

I just purged all my z-wave devices. The only things left I have are MS6's, Zooz Media Power outlet, Nano Switches, Dual Nano & Dual Qubino and an EcoNet Valve.

Also have some suspect GE Door Hinge devices that are ZW+ but I don't really use them so am removing now - and running a repair.

I may disable a few as well to see what happens.. I am SO glad I got into zniffing!!!!!!

@jeubanks & @JasonJoel

Okay so this is very cool - I identified a Nano switch for my Living Room Sconces as the possible culprit and disabled. Now the network speeds at least according to zniffing are MUCH better. So my guess is that this is a bad device. wow.

@codahq was right about this being addictive - arghhhhhh!!!


Post another screenshot when you time, would love to see how it looks with that device removed.

I would hope you could get to 40kb. 100kb is doable sometimes, but not always.

Not sure whats happening with the yellow section but this looks a lot better than the other one...


Now that looks A Lot better!

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Awesome! Some nodes cap out at 40kbit, or have a low enough signal that they can't quite work at 100kb, so that isn't that uncommon.

That should make a very noticeable difference in your zwave experience though.

Nice job.


Yeah should make a big difference really!

Does the "Home ID" distinguish different hubs? I actually have 2 hubs that use ZW, my main one and an upstairs hub. My laptop/uzb is definitely closer to the main hub right now.

Different zwave mesh/network, yes.


Home ID is the network ID.

Controller has the Home ID and devices get a Node ID.


I feel like we're tag teaming here @JasonJoel :slight_smile:


I really appreciate your guys help. This is amazing.

Now it looks like I have a flaky GE toggle switch in my upstairs master bathroom...


From what you have seen this looks to be a very good tool to identify issues. It also doesn't look too complex, it would be nice if this could be built in.