Z-wave Schlage Connect exclusion failing, is it a distance to hub issue?

You're good to go. This is a z-wave plus lock. The firmware version is at least 8.1 (if not higher).


This looks different? It says "OK" but the lock itself gave a failure signal (a red x instead of a green checkmark).

Click the discover button

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OK it looks like it has a neighbor and a route change now. I still don't see it in the device panel though.

You won't it's still not fully connected. Try hitting the discover. If that doesn't go away it's still not connected

It should look like this..

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I click discover and it doesn't do anything. I may try again later this week but this has been a very frustrating first experience with hubitat.

I really appreciate y'all's patience with a newbie. You are all gems.

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[For anyone and everyone] What security level are these using? S0 or S2?

@BrewerBlue If I'm remembering correctly, I've seen similar behavior from different devices when I messed up the security questions in the S2 inclusion process. I know this may be a pain, but you might try taking screenshots of each step in the inclusion process. That may (and may not) help the folks here pinpoint a specific issue and cause. I would kill that device entry, reboot the hub, factory reset the lock, and try again. (Assuming the Discover button doesn't work. I'd try that again a time or three before I gave up.)

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I'll try all of this next weekend. Thank you for the encouragement.

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Schlage locks in general can be frustrating, when they work they work great. When they don't they make you wonder who you pissed off in a former life.

You also are doing things quite the wrong way in trying to include this lock first, before any repeater devices. That is only adding to your issues. Line powered/repeaters should be added first, sensors next, and locks very last in your mesh. You should read this: How to Build a Solid Z-Wave Mesh | Hubitat Documentation


If it's any help, I've just bought a 469ZP and struggled to pair with a C8. Tried a bunch of times, including holding the lock just 12 inches from the hub. Just created a bunch of ghosts. That was all while trying to Include it without security.

Finally, decided to try with S2 security and it paired straight away ! In fact, I then excluded it, reset it, moved it to the door (20 feet away), tried again with S2 inclusion and it hooked up straight away.

That might be my issue, then. I was doing it without security the whole time. I'll add this to my to-do list for the weekend, when I'm going to troubleshoot this.

Locks and other entry devices are required by Hubitat to use encryption

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See my message below. Hubitat requires security for locks and garage door openers or pairing will fail. Should have asked you up thread about that.


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