I recently got my hubitat so that I could migrate away from Vera (which I have had for like 8 years). But I couldn't get the hub to include any zwave devices.
After many attempts, I put a repeater next to the hub and it picked it up. It forgot about it when I moved it just on the other side of the wall from the hub.
I tried adding switches and plugs that all worked at the same distance with vera. The hubitat doesn't see anything, even with the extender.
So, I got a usb battery pack and wifi to ethernet box from tp-link. I found that as long as I am within 5 ft (line of site, so not on other side of wall either), I can include a device. After that, everything works as normal. Anything further than that, or even right on the other side of the wall does not work for inclusion.
I tried with Leviton and GE switches, a monoprice plug and an aeotec extender. (few years old).
So after using my portable hub trick to include. I was ok for a few days. But then, the extender that worked fine 5-6 ft away on the other side of a wall no longer reports in a repair after adding more devices.
While I can turn things on and off from the dashboard, apps like simple automation are sporadic, whereas with less devices they worked well. I can't get simple motion to work with my ecolink motion sensor at all.
I have 2 in wall switches and the monoprice plug module within 20-30 ft of the hub and the extender (with walls).
I love the overall experience of the software so far but this problem is concerning me and I don't know how to fix it. I can't move everything over from vera until the things I have moved work reliably.
I have maybe 100 zwave devices.
Hubitat ElevationĀ® Platform Version
Hardware Version
Rev C-7