Here you go. No idea if it works any more.
metadata {
definition (name: "Fibaro FGR-222", namespace: "julienbachmann", author: "Julien Bachmann") {
capability "Sensor"
capability "Actuator"
capability "Switch"
capability "Switch Level"
capability "Window Shade"
capability "Polling"
capability "Power Meter"
capability "Energy Meter"
capability "Refresh"
capability "Configuration"
attribute "syncStatus", "enum", ["syncing", "synced"]
command "sync"
command "stop"
command "up"
command "down"
fingerprint inClusters: "0x26,0x32"
preferences {
input name: "invert", type: "bool", title: "Invert up/down", description: "Invert up and down actions"
input name: "openOffset", type: "decimal", title: "Open offset", description: "The percentage from which shutter is displayerd as open"
input name: "closeOffset", type: "decimal", title: "Close offset", description: "The percentage from which shutter is displayerd as close"
input name: "offset", type: "decimal", title: "offset", description: "This offset allow to correct the value returned by the device so it match real value"
section {
input (
type: "paragraph",
element: "paragraph",
description: "Device parameters are used to customise the physical device. " +
"Refer to the product documentation for a full description of each parameter."
getParamsMd().findAll( {!it.readonly} ).each { // Exclude readonly parameters.
def lb = (it.description.length() > 0) ? "\n" : ""
switch(it.type) {
case "number":
input (
name: "configParam${}",
title: "#${}: ${}: \n" + it.description + lb +"Default Value: ${it.defaultValue}",
type: it.type,
range: it.range,
required: it.required
case "enum":
input (
name: "configParam${}",
title: "#${}: ${}: \n" + it.description + lb + "Default Value: ${it.defaultValue}",
type: it.type,
options: it.options,
required: it.required
} // section
def parse(String description) {
log.debug("parse ${description}")
def result = null
def cmd = zwave.parse(description, [0x20: 1, 0x26: 3, 0x70: 1, 0x32:3])
if (cmd) {
result = zwaveEvent(cmd)
if (result) {
log.debug("Dispatch events ${result}")
} else {
log.debug("Couldn't zwave.parse ${description}")
def correctLevel(value) {
def result = value
if (value == "off") {
result = 0;
if (value == "on" ) {
result = 100;
result = result - (offset ?: 0)
if (invert) {
result = 100 - result
return result
def createWindowShadeEvent(value) {
def theWindowShade = "partially open"
if (value >= (openOffset ?: 95)) {
theWindowShade = "open"
if (value <= (closeOffset ?: 5)) {
theWindowShade = "closed"
return createEvent(name: "windowShade", value: theWindowShade)
def createSwitchEvent(value) {
def switchValue = "on"
if (value >= (openOffset ?: 95)) {
switchValue = "on"
if (value <= (closeOffset ?: 5)) {
switchValue = "off"
return createEvent(name: "switch", value: switchValue)
def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicReport cmd) {
logger.debug("basic report ${cmd}")
def result = []
if (cmd.value != null) {
def level = correctLevel(cmd.value)
result << createEvent(name: "level", value: level, unit: "%")
if (device.currentValue('windowShade') == "opening" || device.currentValue('windowShade') == "closing") {
result << response([zwave.meterV2.meterGet(scale: 2).format()])
else {
result << createWindowShadeEvent(level)
log.debug("basic result ${result}")
return result
def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.switchmultilevelv3.SwitchMultilevelReport cmd) {
log.debug("switch multi level report ${cmd.value}")
def result = []
if (cmd.value != null) {
def level = correctLevel(cmd.value)
result << createEvent(name: "level", value: level, unit: "%")
if (device.currentValue('windowShade') == "opening" || device.currentValue('windowShade') == "closing") {
result << response([zwave.meterV2.meterGet(scale: 2).format()])
else {
result << createWindowShadeEvent(level)
log.debug("switch result ${result}")
return result
def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) {
log.debug("other event ${cmd}")
def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.meterv3.MeterReport cmd) {
if (cmd.meterType == 1) {
if (cmd.scale == 2) {
def result = []
result << createEvent(name: "power", value: Math.round(cmd.scaledMeterValue), unit: "W")
if (cmd.scaledMeterValue < 1.0) {
result << createWindowShadeEvent(device.currentValue('level'))
result << response(["delay 500", zwave.switchMultilevelV3.switchMultilevelGet().format()])
else {
result << response(["delay 2000", zwave.switchMultilevelV3.switchMultilevelGet().format()])
log.debug("power result ${result}")
return result
} else {
return createEvent(name: "electric", value: cmd.scaledMeterValue, unit: ["pulses", "V", "A", "R/Z", ""][cmd.scale - 3])
def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.configurationv1.ConfigurationReport cmd) {
log.debug("zwaveEvent(): Configuration Report received: ${cmd}")
def updated() {
def on() {
def off() {
def stop() {
def cmds = []
cmds << zwave.switchMultilevelV1.switchMultilevelStopLevelChange().format()
cmds << zwave.switchMultilevelV3.switchMultilevelGet().format()
return delayBetween(cmds, 2000)
def up() {
def currentWindowShade = device.currentValue('windowShade')
if (currentWindowShade == "opening" || currentWindowShade == "closing") {
return stop()
return open()
def down() {
def currentWindowShade = device.currentValue('windowShade')
if (currentWindowShade == "opening" || currentWindowShade == "closing") {
return stop()
return close()
def open() {
sendEvent(name: "windowShade", value: "opening")
if (invert) {
return privateClose()
else {
return privateOpen()
def close() {
sendEvent(name: "windowShade", value: "closing")
if (invert) {
return privateOpen()
else {
return privateClose()
def privateOpen() {
def cmds = []
cmds << zwave.basicV1.basicSet(value: 0xFF).format()
cmds << zwave.switchMultilevelV3.switchMultilevelGet().format()
log.debug("send CMD: ${cmds}")
return delayBetween(cmds, 2000)
def privateClose() {
def cmds = []
cmds << zwave.basicV1.basicSet(value: 0).format()
cmds << zwave.switchMultilevelV3.switchMultilevelGet().format()
log.debug("send CMD: ${cmds}")
return delayBetween(cmds, 2000)
def presetPosition() {
def poll() {
zwave.meterV2.meterGet(scale: 0).format(),
zwave.meterV2.meterGet(scale: 2).format(),
], 1000)
def refresh() {
zwave.meterV2.meterGet(scale: 2).format(),
], 500)
def setLevel(level) {
if (invert) {
level = 100 - level
if(level > 99) level = 99
if (level <= (openOffset ?: 95) && level >= (closeOffset ?: 5)) {
level = level - (offset ?: 0)
log.debug("set level ${level}")
zwave.basicV1.basicSet(value: level).format(),
], 10000)
def configure() {
log.debug("configure roller shutter")
zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 29, size: 1, scaledConfigurationValue: 1).format(), // start calibration
zwave.meterV2.meterGet(scale: 0).format(),
zwave.meterV2.meterGet(scale: 2).format(),
], 500)
def sync() {
log.debug("sync roller shutter")
def cmds = []
sendEvent(name: "syncStatus", value: "syncing", isStateChange: true)
getParamsMd().findAll( {!it.readonly} ).each { // Exclude readonly parameters.
if (settings."configParam${}" != null) {
cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber:, size: it.size, scaledConfigurationValue: settings."configParam${}".toInteger()).format()
cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber:
log.debug("send cmds ${cmds}")
runIn(0.5 * cmds.size(), setSynced)
delayBetween(cmds, 500)
def setSynced() {
sendEvent(name: "syncStatus", value: "synced", isStateChange: true)
private getParamsMd() {
return [
[id: 3, size: 1, type: "number", range: "0..1", defaultValue: 0, required: false, readonly: false,
name: "Reports type",
description: "0 β Blind position reports sent to the main controller using Z-Wave Command Class.\n" +
"1 - Blind position reports sent to the main controller using Fibar Command Class.\n" +
"Parameters value shoud be set to 1 if the module operates in Venetian Blind mode."],
[id: 10, size: 1, type: "number", range: "0..4", defaultValue: 0, required: false, readonly: false,
name: "Roller Shutter operating modes",
description: "0 - Roller Blind Mode, without positioning\n" +
"1 - Roller Blind Mode, with positioning\n" +
"2 - Venetian Blind Mode, with positioning\n" +
"3 - Gate Mode, without positioning\n" +
"4 - Gate Mode, with positioning"],
[id: 12, size:2, type: "number", range: "0..65535", defaultValue: 0, required: false, readonly: false,
name: "Time of full turn of the slat",
description: "In Venetian Blind mode (parameter 10 set to 2) the parameter determines time of full turn of the slats.\n" +
"In Gate Mode (parameter 10 set to 3 or 4) the parameter defines the COUNTDOWN time, i.e. the time period after which an open gate starts closing. In any other operating mode the parameter value is irrelevant.\n" +
"Value of 0 means the gate will not close automatically.\n" +
"Available settings: 0-65535 (0 - 655,35s)\n" +
"Default setting: 150 (1,5 s)"],
[id: 13, size:1, type: "number", range: "0..2", defaultValue: 0, required: false, readonly: false,
name: "Set slats back to previous position",
description: "In Venetian Blind Mode (parameter 10 set to 2) the parameter influences slats positioning in various situations. In any other operating mode the parameter value is irrelevant.\n" +
"0 - Slats return to previously set position only in case of the main controller operation\n" +
"1 - Slats return to previously set position in case of the main controller operation, momentary switch operation, or when the limit switch is reached.\n" +
"2 - Slats return to previously set position in case of the main controller operation, momentary switch operation, when the limit switch is reached or after " +
" receiving a βSTOPβ control frame (Switch Multilevel Stop)."],
[id: 14, size:1, type: "number", range: "0..2", defaultValue: 0, required: false, readonly: false,
name: "Switch type",
description: "The parameter settings are relevant for Roller Blind Mode and Venetian Blind Mode (parameter 10 set to 0, 1, 2).\n" +
"0 - Momentary switches\n" +
"1 - Toggle switches\n" +
"2 - Single, momentary switch. (The switch should be connected to S1 terminal)"],
[id: 18, size:1, type: "number", range: "0..255", defaultValue: 0, required: false, readonly: false,
name: "Motor operation detection.",
description: "Power threshold to be interpreted as reaching a limit switch. \n" +
"Available settings: 0 - 255 (1-255 W)\n" +
"The value of 0 means reaching a limit switch will not be detected \n" +
"Default setting: 10 (10W)."],
[id: 22, size:2, type: "number", range: "0..65535", defaultValue: 0, required: false, readonly: false,
name: "Motor operation time.",
description: "Time period for the motor to continue operation. \n" +
"Available settings: 0 β 65535 (0 β 65535s)\n" +
"The value of 0 means the function is disabled.\n" +
"Default setting: 240 (240s. β 4 minutes)"],
[id: 30, size:1, type: "number", range: "0..2", defaultValue: 0, required: false, readonly: false,
name: "Response to general alarm",
description: "0 - No reaction.\n" +
"1 - Open blind.\n" +
"2 - Close blind."],
[id: 31, size:1, type: "number", range: "0..2", defaultValue: 0, required: false, readonly: false,
name: "Response to flooding alarm",
description: "0 - No reaction.\n" +
"1 - Open blind.\n" +
"2 - Close blind."],
[id: 32, size:1, type: "number", range: "0..2", defaultValue: 0, required: false, readonly: false,
name: "Response to smoke, CO or CO2 alarm",
description: "0 - No reaction.\n" +
"1 - Open blind.\n" +
"2 - Close blind."],
[id: 33, size:1, type: "number", range: "0..2", defaultValue: 0, required: false, readonly: false,
name: "Response to temperature alarm",
description: "0 - No reaction.\n" +
"1 - Open blind.\n" +
"2 - Close blind."],
[id: 35, size:1, type: "number", range: "0..2", defaultValue: 0, required: false, readonly: false,
name: "Managing slats in response to alarm.",
description: "0 - Do not change slats position - slats return to the last set position\n" +
"1 - Set slats to their extreme position"],
[id: 40, size:1, type: "number", range: "0..2", defaultValue: 0, required: false, readonly: false,
name: "Power reports",
description: "Power level change that will result in new power value report being sent." +
"The parameter defines a change that needs to occur in order to trigger the report. The value is a percentage of the previous report.\n" +
"Power report threshold available settings: 1-100 (1-100%).\n" +
"Value of 0 means the reports are turned off."]