Z Wave Instability

I have a C8 Pro I migrated to from a C7. I have a tons of devices but having issues with devices not responding, needing to repair, or in many cases, manually turn on/off a switch a few times before it begins responding again.

Its not isolated to any individual items, its across the board.

What I've Tried

  • excluding / including higher offenders
  • replacing some switches
  • completely shutting down
    -database repair
  • removing all ghosts (I think)

I cant think of anything else. For example, a light will respond immeidately 3 times in a row, then just freeze up. I see a ton of reroutes for everything. These screenshots are with the hub only up for less than 48 hours. For what its worth, I only started experiencing this when I moved to the C8 Pro. I am not using a POE, have the device plugged into a 10,000 mAh backup battery.

Would appreciate someone with more experience take a look and see if theres something wrong with my setup. I know its a lot and thank you in advance!